I'm back!....

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So glad you're ok Sami. I've been worrying my little socks off!
Look after yourself.
L xx
Hi Sami

So happy we got to hear from you its the only reason i came on today, hope all goes well from here on good luck.
Sami said:
Just hope I have time to change the gross covers Mark's nan bought us for the baby :shock: Pale green and lemon (and not a nice shade of it either!).

Snigger, blimey you poor thing sorry to hear that you have been strapped up again on the machine, it's well annoying when you can't move and the belt keeps popping off.

Sounds like your spirits are up and that's great for you and the baby. My birthday is on the 27th December, all the best babies are born then ;) !

Am thinking of you loads, sorry have not PM'ed been so busy with local NCT stuff, I am now Membership Secretary for my area - how posh - NOT !


Glad to have you back Sami, hope you're feeling ok today :D :D
Awww i knew all would b fine....i think u have got so used to all these probs by now eh Sami. No wonder your happy for LO to come quickly!
Typical man messing u about if u ask me lol.
Glad to see your back and hope the next time you go and return you will have a little bundle of joy!
So do I fayebelina. All this hoo-har-ing is getting silly now! At least I have 2cm dilation to show for my slow labour pains if anything, which is 2cm off the labour next time it starts - positive thinking keeping me going!

Off to bed now as I am so tiered I can barely keep my eyes open.

Sami - I didnt realise you had been in again :shock: - I havent been on here for over a week. Hope everything has settled down again for you. I bet you will be relived when its all over. Good luck with everything. Keeping everything crossed for you x

Minikins: "My birthday is on the 27th December, all the best babies are born then! " I agree - my birthday is on the 28th of Dec!!!!!

L x
What a time you have been having girl!!!

The best part is though that you are at 34 + weeks and things will be fine for the baby and you. I hear stories here where I live of a number of girls having their babies at 32 weeks or less and they are perfectly fine, strutting handsome young men now!!

I wish you the best honey, get as much rest as you can, as I am sure you are doing and just know e are all here for you if you need to chat.

Luv, Tineke

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