I'm back


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2011
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Well looks like I'm back here again, just been for private scan, thought I was 10 weeks this week but there is no baby there. 2nd Miscarriage in 6 months, I'm fucking devastated. Why me? We've spent 3 years trying to get pg and when we do we lose it.

I hate my body!!

The man wanted me to wait for a report and I waited, calmly, then his dam computer was broken and kept adding letters to the report, so then he was looking for letter head paper. I couldn't hold it together any longer and all I could think of was the waiting room full of happy pregnant women. Lucky cows. I ended up falling apart and running out of there.

OH followed and I just drove home, via the off licence for vodka and fags!

I don't even know what to do now, do I ring the GP or midwife, I had a small amount of brown discharge yesterday and this morning but nothing since, so I obviously need to get the dead baby out of me. I have a really important meeting at work tomorrow that I just can't miss. Do I wait for this baby to leave me or do I go to hospital for more scans and people telling me my baby is dead.

I hate my body!! I hate my body!!
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Aw hun really dont know what to say, im so sorry you are having to go through this. Life can be incredibly cruel at times. Thinking of you, sending love and hugs xx
:hugs: hunny I am so sorry this happened again, i really feel for u. So upset for u, take it easy and I would try and get hold of the epu unit at ur hospital xxxxxx
Oh Kedi, I'm really sorry. :( I wish I knew what to say. Massive hugs hun. :hugs: :hugs: x x
Aw kedi. I'm am desperately sorry to read this hun. Mother nature is so cruel at times. :( :hug:

You could go to the doctors and explain what you know and hopefully they might be able to give you some answers and discuss options with you.

I am thinking of you sweetheart, going through this twice must be so heartbreaking xxx
Thanks ladies, I don't expect you to say anything. OH just asked if I had to be on this site but I told him it makes me feel better. I know there are people here that truly know how I feel. Which is completely whack as I don't even really know any of you. Crazy or what!!
Kedi, I am so very sorry to hear that this has happened to you. Life can be so cruel and unfair :hug:

I would suggest you contact your GP who will be able to tell you what your options are. Sending you loads of love hun x
I know, I have cried at every mc post the last few weeks as it's all ladies I have been talking to and I feel so sad for them. I feel as though I know u all in a strange cyber way. :hugs: xxxx
sometimes its easier to talk to someone you dont know and literally dont have to face. I am thinking of you hun and hope you can get some answers xx
Could you perhaps have the clinic email you the report? It might spare you another scan etc if you are wanting treatment at the hospital. Was just thinking incase they wanted to scan you again etc.

I hope you can get some answers hun.

Please don't blame yourself :hug: xx
kedi, i am so sorry your having to go through this again, once is bad enough but twice must be unbearable, sending you lots of hugs hunni, look after yourself xxxx
So sorry Hun can't imagine what your going through xx
So sorry to hear this kedi, I'm really gutted for you. I know nothing we can say can make the situation any better, I just hope you feel better soon xx
So so sorry Kedi. I know the pain you are going through.Dont give up ,you will get there, make sure you push for some answers. But sometimes there is no answer it does just happen as devastating as it is. Your a stronger woman than I if you can put on a brave face and go to work.I fell to pieces when pretty much the same thing happened to me in Sept. I needed that time to grieve. Do what you need to get through, we are all here for you,pm anytime.xxxx
Kedi darling, I am so so sorry! I can't believe ur having to go through this all again. I know how once feels but twice, must be simply unbearable. I am here for u. U might not know me to come to my home for a cuppa but I care for u like a non cyber friend. Pm me whenever u need. I am thinking of u xxxxx
Oh Kedi, My heart sank when I saw this, thinking of you...so sorry xxx
Really sorry to read this, it's definately worth trying to find out if something is going on if there is an underlying issue. Thinking of you xxx

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