I'm back!! :)

Men! lol! i was going ask how u told LO. At least it hadnt sunk in for her. xx
yeah i just dont think she understands, i think maybe she thinks there was never a baby in there and thats why i went for a scan to see if i had one in there yet lol bless her, she hasnt asked anything since and shes been a little gem today, tidying her room and not been naggy for a change lol xx
Hey deedee,
i total missed this tread (daydreaming no doubt lol)
and i have just got upto date.
so sorry to hear your news
but im loving your positivity its great,
have a good old session this weekend then :bd: with the other half like rabbits hehe.

fx crossed for your next cycle.

Awww babe! Huge hugs and glad your being strong!
I'm a huge believer in everything happening for a reason! I believe that there needed to be another angel when mine left. I'm happy in the knowledge that it's having fun up there with all the other angels!!

Fx that the next BFP is a very very sticky one xxx
i'm the same hun, to be honest and this might sound awful but i think there was something wrong with the baby and thats why it happened thats my belief anyway so i guess it was best all round! xx
i was told mine wasnt growing properly and thats why i lost it my docotrs exact words were "it probably wouldnt have been human anyway". dosnt make it any easier though. however i did see a physic a couple weeks ago and she said my baby is up there looking over me, just waiting to come back in my tummy when the time is right :) hugs xxx
no it doesnt make it easier but thats so nice to hear from the spiritualist hun :) hopefully it'll happen sooner rather than later for u fx xxx
thank you hun, i will for you aswell :) its been 6 months since the mc so hoping it will be soon lol. your being very strong but if you do feel down or anything and need to talk im good at listening :)

wish you al the best and lots of luck for the future :)
aww thank u minxies :D well seen as tho were both TTC i should imagine we will be speaking a lot to each other hee hee altho gotta say with this miscarriage etc i have no idea of what my cycle is gonna be like so am buggered with the whole 2ww thing lol...just have to wait a month and see how things pan out i guess!! xx
Hi DeeDee sorry to hear your reason for being back in TTC, but im loving how positive you are about it all and ready to get back on the horse (or the OH).

I hope you get a BFP really soon as it sounds like you really deserve it!
Looks like me and u both have no idea of our cycle now hun. Its prob best, it might just happen when we least expect it. No preasure and stop worring.
So true natasha altho i could end up being 2mnth gone n not notice haha ahhh well i think i would prefer that to happen anyways, saves worrying for as long hee hee x
DeeDee, I was reading your thread in Tri 1 and I'm sorry to hear your news! I think it's great that you are being so positive about things, but if you need support you know where we all are xx

Good luck with TTC, hopefully it'll be sticky BFPs for all of us! If I can ever figure out when I ov and make sure all is in the right place at the right time that is!

thanks emily. i'm well n truly stuffed with my cycles now haha am sure it will sort itself out soon and hopefully we will deffo all get our super sticky beans very soon fx for us all xx
will miss you in tri 1 deedee!!!
Good luck!!
You will be extra fertile now!! xxxxx
WAHOOOOO....hcg levels have halved :D gotta take a preg test in 3 weeks, if its positive i have to ring em back (probably to be stabbed again with more needles) if its neg yippeeeee...TTC here i come, well chuffed its all i needed to hear! x
thanks laurat, i'm ecstatic didnt think i would be but i am! i think i am just glad that i have answers finally and i know that TTC isnt going to be too far away now! i really thought i would be one of the awkward ones where more tests etc would have to be done to find the reason for the hcg not changing etc but luckily i'm just about to get back on the horse hee hee so chuffed! x

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