Im Back TTC! Let the crazy lady behaviour commence!!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2011
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Well..... a few months off TTCing was meant to de-stress me and sooth my inner thawts and give my ovaries and foof a bit of a break.....
This month im back in the game. And already i am slightly psychotic.
After 2 and half yrs of trying im crossing fingers this is finally it and ive had the break my body needed to reset!
My cycles have AT FRIKKING LAST gone back to my normal 29days. Which is fab.
But..... God i hate OPKs.

After starting off well..... only testing once a day. Then twice as a knew i was gettin near..... I am now testing 5 times a day (or just basically wenever i pee) and my head is up my arse!!!! :shock:

Got a +OPK on monday (2 days ago) which was like HURRAHHHH!!! So major hump humpy occured and all was well in the world. Then i had a +OPK yesterday morning also.....slightly odd. But :dance: and :bd: anyway!
yesterday night = Positive
This morning = Positive...... (albeit slightly more faded)

Ive never had repeated +'s before.

Two weeks back in the TTC'ing game and im just as obsessive as always have been! SIGH!
Im trying not to google..... as google is the devil and i dont want to find out that i have infact got an irriversable desease or that my leg is falling off.

Thanks in advance for any opinions or help forum friendlings!!!!

Welcome back sweetie,

I have no idea about continious postive OPK's but lets hope tis means you are having a super duper powerful surge hey?

I hope you aren't waiting too much longer for your BFP hun

Hey carnat!
Holy moly 18wks thats gone quick!
How u been feeling?

Yeah im hoping maybe it is a big surge which means the egg is a special super egg!
But i have heard before tht it can mean the ovary is struggling to release the egg. But i duno how true tht is!
I prefer the super egg reason myself :)

I nearly forgot just how confuzzling everything was!!
I wasn't on here last time you were ttc - so Hello!

I too am insane the minute I start ttc, I try so hard not to :( I have been using opks and driving myself mad wondering if they are working ok or if I had peed to much before using them etc. I even poa hpt just after I had what I thought was AF (if was real light) just in case it wasn't af, lol. I am on CD13 today and do not usually ov til day 19 or 20 so a little more waiting to go -that's if I ovulate at all - came off bcp on 3rd May.

Look forward to following your ttc stories - I can tell from the way you word your posts that you have a great attitude towards ttc and sound like a right laugh to be around! :)
Hiya :)

I'm definitely liking the "super egg" version of events hehehe... I've had it during one cycle where I had dark lines for 2 days running then faded lines the days either side but didnt really know what it was all about either :S would be fab if it really didnt mean you got a BFP this month though, would give me hope that when it happens to me again its a good thing hehe :) Like Iwant3 I am also on my CD13 today, my OPKS are still faded lines at the min but my cycles are all over the place, usually ov between 14-21 days so will wait and see eagerly & try really hard not to get overly obbessed with doing to many OPKS lol... done 1 a day over last 3 days but now its getting closer to CD14 I'm sure this will increase from today onwards to a least twice / day.. Good Luck hun, sending lots of baby dust your way xxx
Nice to see you back

Holy sh*t about the opks as most months I get a :) then a negative then a :) on different days so I prob have problems! I just bury my head in the sand and won't go to the docs.

Good luck honey x
Nice to see you back. Hope you get your bfp soon hun.

Michelle. x
Good luck - i am quite new to ttc but from what i gather from reading other people's stories if you get more than 1 +opk just dtd and hope for the best. I can't imagine what it must be like to ttc for a long time so am sending you lots of postive thoughts and :dust:too.

Hellooooo all!
Thanku for replying and welcoming me back!

Lol i want 3 u sound like me! I took a HPT yesterday...... Moronic i know. AF came and went about 2 wks ago but i still managed to convince myself that the multiple +OPKS were actually becuz i was preg. :shock:
I did say i was a crazy lady!! :)
After my last MC (june 2011) I havent been able to get preg and my cycles went up to 39days and hardly ever got any definate +OPKs. So ive now gone to one extreme to another!!!! So im happy things looked like they were gettin back to normal....until i started OPKing and now i wana tread on them with a big fat boot never mind pee on them!!! :oooo:

Poppy i do tht too. Avoid docs at all costs! My OH and my family have to practically drag me! I just google and self-diagnose myself instead.
Last time i did that i found out i had a cell desease where my skin falls off. Aparantly.
Happy to say my skin still seems to be intact.

Love n baby sprinkles to all :) xxxx
Google is bad news and should be banned if your ttc!
kezzi peeeeeeaaa!!!! you're back!!!:yay: xxxxxx missed you crazy lady
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ahhhhh lynette!!
Help meeee this is my 4th day with a +OPK!!! MAKE THEM STOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!
In other news..... how r u lovely lady?
Hiya and welcome bk! Don't know about multiple +opks but wen I have been googling before I think it means ur body is gearing up to ovulate and that u just have to bd and hope for best but what a head wreck it must be :-/ I officialy started trying again yesterday after my recent mmc,started asprin and high dose folic acid and dtd yesterday for first time since I got my bfp in march eekk its been a while lol but it was fine :) I have no idea where my body is at the moment as still getting v faint hpts so just going with flow atm and will know more wen af turns up or I get a bfp so this month is blind so to speak, well gd luck hope u get ur bfp soon xxxxx
Oh hun im sorry for ur loss so recently.
How r u coping? We all here for u.
My cycles are always blind and im second guessing all the time!!
Blast my ovaries and their games!!!!
Ive put a pic on now on another thread. Altho ppl will prob be just as confused as moi!
Total headwreck!

But im trying to stay calm........ RAAAAAAA!!!! :)

hi, i am ok thnx getting there slowly and beeing bk on the ttc ladder helps me through :) god knows what my cycles are gonna be like mind:wall2: lol i had a look at ur pici and ur latest opk looks a defo possitive to me just get bding all the time :dance: gd luck xx
ahhhhh lynette!!
Help meeee this is my 4th day with a +OPK!!! MAKE THEM STOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!
In other news..... how r u lovely lady?

argh we hate opks RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRR really dont know what to suggest doll, maybe try temping? opks drive you up the wall and over the hedge

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