I'm a big hormonal mess!


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Ok, bit of background info..
Before I met my husband, he was a bit of a bad boy. He left a string of broken hearts behind him, many!

The first 6 months of our relationship was a bit of a nightmare. Not only was my ex pestering me to leave and go back to him, but literally 4 or 5 women were constantly calling, texting and showing up at my DH's parents house on a daily basis. (He moved out just as we met)
His mum also brought his ex over for lunch on numerous occasions, then invited him over not telling him she was there. I think she was trying to get them back together but that's another story entirely.

Anyway, for 6 months, it was constant, and I got to the point where I was so fed up that I wanted to split up with him. I sat him down and explained to him that if these women were going to continue what they're doing, I was leaving because I can't be bothered with the annoyance, so he eventually told them all on no uncertain terms to leave him alone, that he was happy in his relationship and they needed to go away. One was so obsessive that he had to tell her we were moving to Canada to make her stop!

So it fizzled out, with one every now and then contacting him out of the blue. But he was always honest and told me about it, and always ignored the txt/call/email.

But last night at almost midnight, it started again! And I'm not good at dealing with it while pregnant! One of the girls txt him and he didn't have the number saved so replied 'who's this?' And she replied with who she was and how she missed him etc. He didn't reply, and 10mins later, she rings him!! He answered and they spoke for a little while and he told her he's married and that we're having a baby and she was like 'u and me need a catch up, just the 2 of us - don't bring ur wife' so he said he had to go and ended the call. Now I know she's not gona stop, this will continue for months now!
I got so angry last night and told my hubby that he better tell her to eff off! And he said he would, but I know what she's like!
He can't change his number because of work, so this is going to continue til she gets bored again in a few months.

No need to reply, I just needed to vent. I'm so fed up with pathetic trollops sniffing around him! And hope it doesn't go on for life!
It normally doesn't bother me this much, but I'm just not dealing with it all very well now :(

If u managed to read all of this - well done lol xx

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Oh goodness, hun, you've caught yourself a real hottie there :dance: I don't think the pestering will ever stop unless he changes all his phone numbers and doesn't tell his exes the new one. Poor you. I would want to gouge out all those girls' eyes. It's quite normal to feel threatened when people make advances towards your husband, it's not just your hormones. He's YOURS! I don't have any advice, because I am my husband's first and only :shock:.

But feel proud that you're the girl he loves and chose to marry, and I hope you can trust him. xxx
Thanks for ur reply.

Normally it doesn't bother me, I'm just like 'let them chase him, he loves me so ha ha' but last night really wound me up for some reason.
I was in such a huff about it lol. And he was telling me I have no reason to be angry because he's not interested in anyone but me and would never do anything to jeopardize what we have, and I know he wouldn't.
I do trust him, but just don't want to deal with this - especially now! X

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aww thats such a crappy thing to deal with normally, let alone when you're pregnant. i dont really have any words of advice just didnt want to read and not saying anything.

you have more than those girls will ever have though. you are his wife and you are giving him the most precious gift anyone will ever give him :)

Aww thanks Nikkijane - that's true! X

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Oh god!

I could have written this myself seven years ago, I have had exactly the same with my husband. He was a bit of a casanova and would drop girls like hot potatoes and then see them again etc. When we first got together he had been messing around with another girl who wanted more than he did (he assures me they weren't in a relationship) and she would text and ring. This one girl lived around the corner from him so she would watch out of the window to see when I would drop him off and ring him when I was there to ask him round for 'coffee' at midnight etc. Got right up my nose. I tried to ignore it for a long time and not make a scene or cause a fuss.

One night (after we had bought a house together) she was texting him, things like 'are you horny' and other inappropriate stuff and I saw the messages. I absolutely hit the roof and threw his phone at him and it smashed (oops), it casued big big problems and I got so fed up. OH seemed reluctant to tell her to nob off, he said he had tried but she obviously hadn't got the message. So I put it to him straight, either you tell this girl to stop calling and you are not interested, change your number, or completely ignore her or I am offski.

It worked in the end, though she crops up now and again on facebook requesting him as a friend etc. He has had more sense and not added her though.

If he can't change his number, can he get hers blocked somehow? Failing that, the ignoring tactic can work well, though you will have to put up with it until she gets the hint.

I am sorry you have to deal with this when you are pregnant, it must be really awful :hug: I think I would have had a meltdown if I'd had to deal with it now. Preganncy can make even the strongest woman feel vulnerable. His family don't sound very supportive? Or was that just when you first got together?

He has made his commitment to you now and you are giving him the most precious gift in the world so the bond between you will be stronger than ever. It's a shame these eejits can't see that.

I hope they get sick or your OH can nip it in the bud because you don't need that stress right now.

Thanks for the reply. Its nice to speak to someone who knows the feeling.

His mum never really liked me very much and I think she was tryin to push his ex back into his life to cause trouble, but he had a go at her about it and told her if he finds his ex there again, he won't come back.
His mum is nicer now and has actually been really lovely since we told her I'm pregnant.

As I said, normally I'd just think 'oh how pathetic of those girls to chase someone who doesn't want them' but now I'm wanting to rip my hair out over it.
I know she's pathetic, I know it kills her that she wants him and he loves me, but I just want to kick her teeth in now lol.

My DH has been fab about it though and really understanding about how hormonal I feel. He said he has no interest in replying to her texts or answering her calls, and he said that if it makes me feel better, he'll tell her where to go. So I suppose that's good. Lol. X

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Some women just have no idea how pathetic they look hey?! As if most normal women would go after a taken man!! Just remember how much better you are than them, and get him to block her number. I know it won't stop her from calling from another phone but he can keep blocking the numbers she uses (even a private one as the phone company will know which one it is if he calls them straight after) and she'll have to eventually get the hint! xx
Geez there are defo some bunny boilers out there hey! :lol:

I'd be pretty cheesed off too huni but I think yes pregnancy hormones don't make ot easy. I totally don't understand women who pursue men who are attached?! It's like it totally goes over their head when the guy tells them they're married and having a baby! It really is pathetic of these women and they're just needy spoilt brats who can't handle rejection in any form.

Just remember huni, that you're the woman he loves and wants to be with ;) He married YOU over them all and chose to have a wee bubba with YOU. If he can't get his number changed then you're both just gona ave to ride it ou until the numpties get bored and leech onto some other poor sucker :lol:

It sounds like you both have a strong, open and honest relationship and it's good he doesn't hide this stuff from you. Laugh together about how silly these woman who should know better are and each time it happens try to have a wee cuddle rather than an argument as they are sooooo not worth causing shit in your relationship.

You do have yourself one good looking hubby going by your profile pic but you m'love are also a hottie so feck them all ;) xxxx
Coruscating thanks for the reply, I know she's pathetic and its best just not to let it annoy me.

BabysMomma - pmsl!! That really made me laugh, thanks so much :) x

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i havnt read all the replies so i am sorry if it has been mentioned but even though your hubby can't change his number could he block hers or would she just find other ways of contacting him?

Like you say he loves you and you are married and having a beautiful LO together so no other woman stands a chance. :)

My husband runs a pub where its mostly youngsters of a weekend and although its slightly different to you he gets it offered on a plate by some girls and of course he says no and comes home to me but it doesnt stop me getting wound up but i do think thats because im hormonal :roll:

Hoping she leaves you to it asap hun and you don't have to deal with any extra stress xxx
Thanks for the replies.
I think he's gona just block her number.
She rang again saying she put his name forward for a job working with her - he was like 'umm, I don't want another job, why would u do that?' And she was like 'I just thought it would be amazing to work together'

Total psycho!!
He's a bit pissed off at her and he told her he had no desire to work with her, and he said he would look into getting her number blocked. Only thing is, I know for a fact she will call him from other numbers, but it'll last a few months before she gets bored and it won't start up again for another year or 2 - with this one anyway lol.

He will also get a call from her work during the week abt the job she put him forward for, and he said he will explain to whoever calls that he was never interested in the job, and she was just wasting time. So here's hoping she gets into trouble at work lol. X

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Well, i have to say your husband is very attractive :p..Please dont kill me lol!

But as the other ladies have said, he loves you and you only!..But i know what you mean, everything seems to wind you right up thesedays!, its those lovely pregnancy hormones :\
Lol thanks very much - I think he's pretty hot too lol.

I know its the hormones, I've been calling her every mean name u can think of lol.
I'm not so angry about it now, the other day though when I posted this thread, I was fuming lol. X

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She's a bloody nut job hun! That wee peanut brain of hers is on button moon! :lol:

What a wingnut! I really don't get ppl like that. Jog on tramp-a-zoid!

I really hope that it embarrasses the hell out of her when your hubby explains to her company about never asking to be put forward for that job in the first place...maybe then she'll catch the drift!

I'm laughing here but if it was me I'd really be tempted to knock her out after that latest stunt! :lol: x
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She's a crazy bitch.

I hope she gets in trouble at work, silly mare.

I worry about the girl who made my life hell, she's a midwife at the hospital... Lol. That's a whole other story though I guess. I don't like the thought of seeing her when I am vulnerable. Plus she might withhold the drugs and to make me suffer lol

She's a crazy bitch.

I hope she gets in trouble at work, silly mare.

I worry about the girl who made my life hell, she's a midwife at the hospital... Lol. That's a whole other story though I guess. I don't like the thought of seeing her when I am vulnerable. Plus she might withhold the drugs and to make me suffer lol

Oh cack...here's hoping you're not on her watch when in labour :lol: x
Omg that is such a nightmare!! I'd be constantly worried that she'd end up delivering my baby and seeing me in all my labouring glory lol. X

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