If your ttc take folic acid!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2006
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I am going through a very heartbraking time. I am 21 weeks and have found out my baby has spina bifida. Please, if your ttc take folic acid everyday and if you can start now before you get a BFP!!!!!! It reduces your chances of being in my postition by 70% so its well worth it.

Please if your ttc take folic acid!!!

:hug: sorry to hear your going through such a sad time x

Sorry to hear you are going through a bad time

Can I ask hun, do they know how bad the Spina Bifida is yet? My partners Aunt was born with Spina Bifida which was opperated on and she leads a perfectly normal life. She took longer to learnt o walk, etc, but she has no problems from it. Just to give you a positive story :hug:

There are three types of spina bifita and mine is the worst. Plus there is so conern about swelling in the brain and the fact that the babies feet are turned in. The consultant said they would never be able to walk unaided and may have learning difficulties.

Taking folic acid before you get a bfp reduces the chances by 70%!!!

Aw babes, I am so sorry for your news, We all want to have perfect babies and when something isn't right it breaks our hearts. :cry: I admire the fact you have come on here to spread the word about folic acid. My first contact with anyone about my PG i was at 6 weeks at GP to confirm it. I was told then about folic acid and that all reseach pointed to benefits before conception and in the first 6 weeks of development.... he said... too late for you but you can take it until 12 weeks anyway if you want.... Not enough people know.. and it takes Brave ladies like you to highlight the point..
Thank you for sharing, :hug:
I am sorry for your sad news, you and your little ones are in my thoughts,
Lv Yvonne xxx
Thank you. I just want to people to think even though its doesnt happpen often someone has to be the one who it happens too and its best to do everything you can to check its not you!!

aww hun so sorry,
My brother has spina bifida,
I always took my folic acid and stuff i'm considered high risk and i've already had 4 scans got another two to go though im terrified :(
:hug: I'm thinking of you.

Thank you for such a kind post - you seem like a very considerate person, thinking of everyone else like that. I didn't realise that this is what the folic acid was for. I will make sure I definitley start taking it before I TTC.

Thanks for your advise and I hope you are ok xx
So sorry to hear it.

But there's hope! My youngest brother-inlaw has just started collage. When he was born his legs and feet were turned in. He had his legs broken and re-set with legs in plaster for 6 months.

He can walk and run fine. However he is a bit slower on the uptake than most people with things but he's good enought to get into colaage :)

Hang in there hung :hug:

Yes some people can live healthy lives even though they are born with spina bifida but it depends on the degree it. I was unlucky my baby had the worst form and it would mean she would never have been able to walk. Go to the toilet etc like "normal" children and she may well have had brain damage as she had what they call a "lemon" shaped head.

So be careful and take folic acid!!


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