If I didn't know any better .....


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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This is a bit of a silly post but i'm feeling a bit sad today so thought i'd share.

I'm on CD15 at the moment so no chance of being pregnant yet but i've had so many 'symptoms' related to pregnancy!

I've been exhausted for about 10 days now. I am just getting over a UTI and it's the 1st one i've ever had. I'm now constipated and my lower back is killing me!! (i'm praying it's not my kidneys! :shock: )

Just wanted to say isn't it sooooo frustrating that pregnancy symptoms can mimick symptoms of other things!!

See told you it's a bit pointless but i'm just frustrated! lol :lol:

I know we'll get there in the end! I'm just feeling frustrated coz it's been 6 months so far and nothing!! Sometimes I wonder if i'll ever be posting my BFP news on here! :(

Ignore me though i'm just tired! lol :)

Hey CB Im in exactly the same boat as you....ended up at hospital last sat with a nasty 1st time UTI that hit my kidneys so got strong pain killers and antibiotics for 2 weeks! Lower back still hurting like crazy, generally feel yukky and also waiting to test 23rd...but feeling like Im already out! Its not a pointless post either...its hard doing this month after month as it is without getting UTI's and feeling rotten....hugs to you and everything crossed xxx
Aww thanks Wilma!

Luckily my UTI didn't get to my kidneys!!! Its was pretty aggressive though. It started at 7pm and by 9pm I was peeing blood every 3-4 mins!! Scary stuff!

Good luck when you test!! My last cycle was 44 days long so i'm not bothering to test at all for ages! lol :)

Wow clairebear that sounds really awful, are you feeling better today? You poor ladies, UTI's are really unpleasant!!
I also agree that TTC is soooo frustrating. There should be different symptoms for AF and pregnancy it would make things so much easier xxx
I feel exactly the same, like I'm never going to be posting my BFP on here...but we just have to try and stay positive I guess...I've also been trying for 6 months and its so difficult, I hate the bad days, they make you feel useless...
Hugs to you hun and good luck!!

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