I want out.

i agree with what GGG said. get out, do whats best for u and ur baby. :hug:
My ex was very controling and could be violent too. i decided after 4 years to leave him for good. This was prompted by the fact he wanted to start a family. I just knew that i didnt want any child of mine being brought up in this environment. I tried to leave him and he turned on the waterworks, collapsed and basically did the emotional blackmail thing. So I backed out.

Then a month later, i sorted out a place for me to stay and my dad to come and get me. I called him home from the pub (his fave place) and told him i was leaving. He begged me not to go and I left him curled up on the sofa crying his eyes out. He then rang me, text me wanted to meet up for a drink to talk. I refused to meet him. It hurt like mad because i had hurt another human being. Everyone told me he deserved all he got cuz he treated me very badly. I knew this was true, but couldnt get past the pain i had caused.

I look back now and dont have any regrets and I know i did the right thing. Im now married to a very kind man who would never treat me badly and i have a lovely little boy.

I didnt have a baby with my ex, so im not in the same position as you will be. But for the sake of you and your baby leaving him is the right thing to do. You have your family to back you up , all you need to do is stay strong . He will eventually get over it and move on. You are not responsble for his actions, so if he say he will harm himself, then thats his problem not yours. I know this sounds harsh. but you really are better off with out him hun. :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your oh sounds like my ex and the best thing you can do is walk out of his life and not give in to his demands and as for the violence, why you have stayed this long with him is beyobd me!!!!

You want your baby to go through this, because she will if ou dont nd this relationship now, dont give in to the emtional blackmail.

You and your daughter deserve better.
I didn't realise you've been through all this!! OMG Jodes, here's a huge hug :hug:

How are things now? You feeling any better?

Right, firstly, well done you little fighter. You've done the best thing for bubs and more importantly, YOU.

Getting out of the routine is difficult I know... So it does take time to get your head around the fact you'll be doing this solo.

The thing about "how does it work" it works however best suits you and your OH hun. I wouldn't set things in stone though until baby is born but there's no harm in throwing ideas around. You can suggest any way you feel comfortable with. Maybe not for her to stay over his straight away, but I'm sure it'll be a welcomed break for you when the time comes (gives you chance to be Jodie and not just Mummy 24/7)

Maintanance etc can all be worked out amicably between you and OH...

Basically, rules and regulations regarding child maintanance and support for fathers seeing their children and court battles etc are ONLY done in circumstances where the parents can't agree, so if you can both sit down with a rough plan and try your best to stick to it.

Anyway, you know my situation so if you ever need a chat I'm only a PM away! xx
well done you for being srtong enough to end it. I expect he has worn down your confidence somewhat (my ex who sounds similar did that to me), but if you ever waiver think what messages behaviour like this from a father towards you would send to her.

She might be tempted to repeat the cycle thinking this was normal and that is how guys behave.


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