I think I'm losing my bean :(

They aren't that reliable hon esp without fmu so as long as it says pregnant and ur not bleeding I wouldn't worry at all - difficult tho I know x x x
Hey Hun, just had a read. Try not to worry but I think you should do what the ladies say and go to the docs. Those CBD sticks can become the devil sticks after you get a BFP. Unless you pee on it in the same way and it's your first pee in the morning then the little sticks can be v.misleading.

I was a pg stick addict and the strongest lines I had were from the cheap sticks and I did the CBD and the cb line stick, the cb sticks gave pants lines!

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Hi just wanted to repeat what the other ladies said I had a mc a couple of months ago and am preggers again. Had a scare last week and went for a early scan and they couldn't see anything so convinced my self I had lost bubs. Went on monday for second scan did a test before I went and it was fainter than before so got really upset and went for the scan and there was a big fat heartbeat! Doesn't seem a good idea to keep retesting. I've had cramps and they said at the EPU that was completely normal as everything is stretching and muscles become softer getting ready for the babe. x:hugs:
Ok so I've had a little while to calm down now and DH is getting me one last one to test with FMU tomorrow morning. If it still says 1-2 then we are just going to assume the worst. If it says 2-3 then I am going to stop testing and just get on with it.

I pulled apart the tests because as we all know, CBD have lines but the intensity of the lines dictates 1-2, 2-3 etc... Here is what I found (apols for blurry iPhone pics) the top one is the one I stuck under the stream and the 2nd one is the one I dunked in for 20 seconds. As you can see the dunked one as a darker 2nd line on the top so perhaps you are right in that this has happened because it was just not FMU - we'll see tomorrow....

The second pic is the ICs that I was using up that I had left over to see a progression. The bottom one is one I've just done. I've run out now so perhaps that's a good thing!

If all does turn out to be well with this bean I really think this is going to be the last baby because honestly I can't take this stress all over again!


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Those ic's are getting darker so I would worry too much Hun, especially as u havent had signs of mc. I will looking out for u morning digi test, fx for u :hugs: xx
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I've just seen this Annie, stop panicking! This little bean is going to be fine :)
Do you really think so? Why would it have gone back to 1-2 if everything was going to be fine?
cos it was afternoon pee, u prob flooded the bloody stick pishing on it?! xx
Oh darling I've just seen this. I have every faith that it's just the tests fault, please try not to worry yourself, stay positive :hug: xxx
Oh Annie, your IC's look good they are def getting darker :)

I won't say don't worry, cos I know you will anyway but all looks good so far. Those blummin CBD's can be a nightmare! I've been there and done the same! :hugs:
If you have done them in the afternoon write them off because the same has happened to me where the lines faded and the CBD devil stick looks worse because it has words!

Don't get your self in to a tizzwoz (hugs) will be stalking this thread first thing!xxx
I've just seen this. I think you'll be fine Annie! Let us know how it goes in the morning xxx
steer clear of CBDs if not using FMU !. They are such temperamental things ... they are great when you first get ur bfp just to see it in writing but after that they cause so much worry,
Your IC tests look perfect and are getting stronger so Im confident your little bean is fine xxxx
I think its just because you didn't use fmu Hun, Im sure everything will turn out fine! :hugs: xx
Hey hun, I hope everything works out. dont worry think positive xxx
oh no hun ive just seen this. hope everythings ok. xxx
i hate cbdigis, when i read ur first post i thought it would be that uve not used fmu, my doctor told me that when u have a miscarriage the cramping usually comes after bleeding so if u've not had bleeding i'm sure the cramps are just early pregnancy cramping.

hope u get it sorted hun xx
Hope everything's ok :hug: Cramping is so normal in early pregnancy, and if you think about the difference between fmu and any other time of the day wee there's probably a 5 fold difference in concentration (unless you don't drink anything all day!) I've seen so many people get worried by those tests when everything is ok! I agree that I'd ring epu if you're at all worried, or call your doctor and ask for a blood test x

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