I think I'm losing my bean :(


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I think it's happening again :(

I've been having loads of symptoms but generally been feeling pretty off today and crampy and I decided to do my last CBD to reassure myself and where last week it said 2-3, this time it said 1-2- meaning the hormone is dropping.

I'm not sure whether or not to get another to test and check if that was a correct reading.

The only thing I did differently was pee on the stick rather than dunk it.

What do you think?
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Oh no, I really hope it was just a dodgy stick. Maybe try getting another one.
maybe ring the epu or docs and explain to get some hgc measurements?
I would agree with Bev, Id ring epu. I think with the CBD sometimes theyre more of a worry that anything else. Everything might be fine and it just didn't say the correct results. :hug: Give them a call and see what they say. xxx
i wouldnt worry too much about the CBD result, hopfully it was a dodgy one!!
but like the girls said id give epu a ring and explain ur concerns :hugs: xxxxx
Oh no! I hope this isn't true!

Did you use fmu? The conception indicator is only accurate if you use fmu. I had a worry a couple of weeks back with the cbd when it wasn't going up when it should and turns out it was because I didn't use fmu. Ifyou are cramping I would get yourself to a&e and they might scan you xx
I peed on a cheap stick the other day and a line didn't even come up my heart nearly stopped, so I opened another and dunked it and it came up as dark as the control line try again hunny xxxxx
No way, defo try another, and then pee on no more sticks!! Xx
Just did another and it said the same :(

Neither were fmu but surely they should work anytime by now?
It will be the test Hun, it's a different level of wetness isn't it from peeing on and dipping. Also they are not that accurate anyway especially without fmu. Go to dr and request 48 hr blood. The cramps are normal. Hope everything is ok Hun xxxxx
No I don't think they do Annie, there is something on the packet about you havi g to use fmu for an accurate conception indicator. I had mine say 2-3 weeks for ages and ages but I was testing in the afternoon and I think the levels go down a lot during the day depending on how many times you have been to loo etc
I haven't uses a cbd since I did the first one they scare me, hope your ok try not to worry there's no bleeding xxxx
Hope everythings ok. There's been a few girls on here who've had probs with the conception indicators. And it if wasnt a FMU it could just be that. If you're worried though - make the phone calls.

^^^wss - I was thinking as early days your pee could be very diluted :hugs:
I hope your ok Annie, ring epu to try get booked in tomorrow, like the other said it could just be the time of day your testing. Thinking of you hun xxx
seriously mrs, u have no symptoms for a MC whatsoever! *hug* im sure all is ok with bean! xxx
Hey Annie

I know exactly how your feeling, i did the same thing a fortnight ago. I went to the docs and had my hcg levels monitored and they were rising so I won't go near CBD again. The first came out at 2-3 weeks and the second dropped to 1-2 weeks. Try not to worry. I know with my miscarriage at the start of the year, by the time the cramps came I had been bleeding for 3 days and had lost all my symtoms for a week beforehand. Cramps can be normal, my doc told me that some level of discomfort is to be expected in pregnancy as everything shifts and moves.

Get yourself down the docs hun :hugs:
I'm sure everything is fine. Try first morning wee. Take care hunni
If you're really worried, go to the doctor! It's better to get an answer than to go around wondering!!

Wish you all the best hun!!

Hope you are ok hun, try not to worry, go ask docs to do the bloods for you and i'm sure it will be fine! xxx

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