Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all well.
Just thought I'd post some information about the strengths/sensitivities of pregnancy tests-
Apparently, if a woman is pregnant, the amount of hCG in her system should be around 25 mIU at 10 dpo (days past ovulation), 50 mIU at 12 dpo, 100 mIU at around two weeks dpo.
On average a woman's HCG levels double every 30 hours. Non-pregnant women have HCG levels of 5.
-First response early tests (up to 6 days before AF) 12.5 mIU
-Boots own pregnancy tests 25 mIU
-Clearblue 25 mIU
-Hospital non-branded HCG tests 100 mIU
Also remember some women don't produce enough hCG until 3 weeks after their period is due so don't give up hope of pregnancy if AF hasn't arrived and you still get a BFN.
Good luck and Babdust to everyone xx
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