I think i might be having an M/C - UPDATE

Devon Debs

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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I had been spotting brown blood when i wiped for about 9 days, on Friday night it turned red. Called the out of hours doctor and they asked me to go in on Saturday morning. Had an examination and the doctor said that it could still be fine because although it was red blood and i had slight stomach ache, it was only when i wiped and i wasn't in pain. I went home feeling quite reassured. She said to call in again if the bloodflow increased or if it got very painful.

Last night it increased. It's now down the toilet whenever i have a wee, about the size of a 50p each time. I'm trying very hard to convince myself it could still be ok, i'm only passing blood when i go to the loo, nothing in between and i'm not in pain. Still doesn't sound good though does it?.
Called the Doctors again and was told that it could go either way (helpful) the only way they will know is to do a scan and they can't do one now because everyone is on holiday for Easter. Got an appt on Wed morning. Has anyone got any opinions or experience?
:hug: :hug:

I've not had this, and i'm clueless when it comes to things like this,

so sorry i'm not giving you any answers. but just wanted to give u lots of these xx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: hope everythings ok! xxx
I really hope everything is ok for you chick :hug: :hug: as its only when you have a wee are you certain its not a bad water infection and your weeing a bit of blood?

Thanks for the hugs girls...need lots of those.

Don't really know if it could be that, i have had a bug, had the runs for about 4 days last week. If i was having an M/C would i be losing blood all the time?

I could have sworn i was going to faint last night...never felt like that before, had to go and sit with someone because OH works till about 4am and i thought if i pass out..no-one will know :(
I hope its not, if its still brown then thats good.

Keep us uptodate, there is lots of support on here :hug:
It still doesn't sound like huge amount of blood but enough to be concerned about :hug: It may be worth ringing the NHS advice line to see what they say.

Fingers crossed it turns out ok :hug: Just out of interest how far along are you? Would this be the time of the month where you would have had your period if you hadn't been pregnant? Some women do carry on having a monthly bleed all through their pregnancies.
I'm six weeks today. I think i would be mid-cycle. The only thing that's really giving me any hope at all is that i'm only passing blood when i go to the loo.

Phoned the doc this morning but he said that they won't really know until i have a scan and because of the Easter holiday, i won't be able to have one until Wednesday. He said it's 50/50...... :cry:
omg poor u, hope it stops the wait must be awful. i had no symptoms wen i miscarriaged but have heard a lot of girls having bleed and baby still been well, really hoping good news is coming ur way xxx
You might have an infection of some sort or it could just be a bit of spotting which can be normal in pregnancy. I know its hard and easy for me to say but try and focus on the positives such as your not in much pain and your not bleeding alot and its only when you go to the toilet. i'm sorry if this is useless advice and im sorry i can't be more helpful. I really hope everything is ok. :hug: :hug:
I hope everythings ok! :hug: :hug: :hug:
When I was pregnant with my first, I went to the toilet and when I wiped I had blood and a biggish clot! I thought for sure I had lost him but I hadnt! I hope this is the case for you!! :hug: :hug:
Hey hun

Just wanted to let you know that I had bleeding for the first 3 months and baby is happy as larry in there at the mo!

Fingers crossed baby is sticking with you too. Big hugs xxxx :hug:
Fingers crossed that everything is ok. Keep us updated and get lots of rest xxxxx
Hi, just wanted to send you a hug :hug: and know how worrying it is. I had a large bleed at 6/7 weeks and no pain, and everything is fine with us and hope that with what you have said its the same for you to.
Good Luck for Wednesday.

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