I need your advice


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2005
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I have been experiencing minor stomach cramps and mild back ache. The symptoms are similiar to period pain and not that sore but I am still a little worried.

Do I have anything to worry about?

What do you think? :(
I also have been experiencing the same thing and its really scary. I guess it is just hormones and stuff implanting etc My tummy has felt quite tender and I wondered if it was scar tissue from a previous cesaerian. I think as long as the cramps are not accompanied by bleeding then theres nothing to worry about. I can't remember whether or not I had the same going on in my first pregnancy can you?
In my first pregnancy I was 10 weeks gone by the time I figured out I was pregnant so I probably thought it was period pains.

Everyone I have spoken to that has had a baby can't remeber either!
I think you kind of have a sixth sense about stuff I remember when I had a miscarriage last September although I didn't have any bleeding to start with I knew something didn't feel right. This time I feel pregnant even though its early and although I am quite anxious part of me thinks it will be ok this time. Do you worry about picking your son up and putting strain on your tummy?
Yeah I do worry about that actually. If we have been to the shops or something and he asks to be carried I tell him "Mummy can't because she has a baby in her tummy". It normally works for me.
One thing I have got this time is sore boobs. They seem to have gotten
bigger aswell. I definetly didn't have that last time.
yes really painful, i guess it can only be a good sign though.
Hi - this is my first post so I'm a newbie :D hi all!
Was kind of not wanting to register until I had reached the twelve week stage for fear of jinxing the pregnancy.
However after I read this i had to reply - I am ten and a half weeks now and have also experienced these symptoms on and off throughout. I have the dull backache (worse when I go to bed at night - a good old hot water bottle works wonders for me) - nausea sometimes accompanied with the actual sickness, and crampy type pains in my stomach. I often worry about the pains but to be honest I think it might be partly to do with the constipation!!! SOrry that may be too much information.......
However having tried for over three years I feel like every pain or bout of sickness is my body's way of telling me everything is 'moving along'. I think its important to stay as positive as you can....
(P.S I'm sooooo excited!!!)
Delighted for you :) are you having bad indigestion too? I am living on milk at the moment.
:oops: Not sure if u talking to me or the original lady who posted but what the heck the more info we can get the better I guess - so here's my reply.
Not really indigestion I just feel hungry all the time. I usually eat sweets and junk food but my body seems to be giving me healthy cravings for vegetables and fromage frais (not together thank god!!!!!)
yes i was talking to you :) i havnt had any cravings yet though I am munching my way through a tub of haagen Dazs ice cream!
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I'm jealous!
Hi there

Just had a cup of tea and now have severe bloating and indegestion....................I'm so upset - I love tea!!!!!!!!
so you are suffering from indigestion as well. Do you like milk? I tend to eat or drink whatever i like then when the indigestion starts I blitz it with milk
Thanks for the advice. I'm just hoping it doesn't happen after every cup!!!
Re: period cramps and back ache in early pregnancy... I'm 29 weeks but had exactly the same symptoms as you all descripe in my first trimester and was told: - Its actually very healthy - your uterus is only the size of a pear and is preparing to stretch to the size of a water melon - the first trimester is when it has to do the most work!! so cramps are to be expected ( obvioulsy if there is spotting it should always be checked out by the midwife....) Happy pregnancies!!!

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