I need a good shake! :(


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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Im so sorry to windge i just didnt no where else really to let of about not knowing what to do =/
Last night as some of u may no i had to go to hospital because I thought my waters were leaking. I posted it on my status on facebook (facebook ddict yes! lol) and wierdly my ex came online for 2 seconds just as I posted it and asked if I was okay.
I havent spoken to him since we split up 4 weeks ago, I have tried but he just kept ignoring me.
Anyway he asked me to text him and I ended up ringing him and he said hell come and meet me at the hospital and stay with me, this was at 3am.
I get to the hospital and hes hugging me, feeling the baby kick, holding my hand and being lovely.
I didnt get out the hospital until about 7am and no taxis where available to take him home until 9am so I ended up going back to his for a few hours.
As we both hadent slept all night we got into bed and ended up cuddling.
Then he started saying how hed missed me and I said I still loved him and started crying :wall2:
He said he has a day of tomorrow (Thursday) and said he would like to come over to mine to see me and Joe (my son, joe thinks of him as his dad as hes been there since he was born).
He text me saying how he wants me back.

The thing is... when I was at his, he has his friend staying with him for a bit.
His friend asked to borrow his phone so he could give his girlfriend a call.
My ex pretended he couldnt find his phone and started deleting texts.
I sneakily looked over and saw he was deleteing texts from his mates girlfriend!
I asked him about it when his mate went to the loo and he said 'oh its nothing, but he gets funny about her texting other guys''
It could be comleatly innocent but because hes constantly lied in the past theres dought in my mind that it could be dirty texts or something, as his mates girlfriend has a big rep of being a compleate slag.

My heart is just wanting to take him back and just be with him again, i miss him SO much.
But my head is telling me not to be so stupid and how i cant put myself through it again, i no he'll only hurt me.

In the past hes constantly lied and told me he doesnt smoke weed yet i found out he spends like £300 a month on it =l
Hell say things like 'I have tuesday of work and ill come see u'' but then ignore me all of monday so ill call up his work to make sure hes ok and theyll say he has monday of, so what the hells he doing?!

He can be lovely and when hes lovely its all so so perfect and we could be SO happy if it stayed like that, but then hell change and turn really horrible for no reason. Ii think its too much weed personally.

Like the fact we broke up 3 weeks ago, and he said hes been too busy at work to text me.
what so he loves me and wants to get bck together but hasnt been able to take 2 minutes out of 3 weeks to text me? Im not THAT niave lol

I guess I just needed to get that out.
Oh hon....what a situation...must be really hard when u obviously care about him. I think u need to go with ur instincts - what's right for you and for ur kids.... big hugs x x x
If he wants you back you need to make it clear that things have to change first - and if they don't that's it, no more chances. He needs to put you and your kids first...make him put in some effort to show you that he'll treat you the way you deserve to be treated x
Awww sounds like he wants to dip in and out of your relationship/responsibility as and when it suits him....that is shocking that you are pregnant with his baby and he hasn't even checked on you for 3 weeks! He obviously cares but I do think you need to be careful that he's not going to keep going hot and cold on you as it's not good for you or your son - you need someone reliable and responsible and going from previous experience, someone who spends £300 a month on weed is usually neither!! Good luck hun xx
Sound like a hard situation. I think if you are going to give him a chance, make it clear that it's his last chance! He needs to step up and you and your children shouldn't be treated badly, you shouldn't have to put up with it. Don't mean to sound harsh but you deserve better. Hope things go well for you xxx

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