I know my gender at 13 weeks!! :-) now with pics..

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls!!:)

I had my private nuchal scan today and and all was well with the nuchal measurements and bubs was being good today so it only took a minute, he showed me in detail each limb, the brain and some other organs, the little feet were the cutest!!:)

I asked him if he minded having a nosey at the gender not really expecting to find out for sure, maybe get a clue so I can enjoy trying to guess right before my 16 week scan and we got a potty view which is a shot from under the bum with the legs apart making a 'v' and we all saw clear as day a little dinky winky!!

I do feel a bit weird as hubby wasn't with me just my cousin, he doesnt mind me knowing first he's so chilled out, but I do feel a bit like I've opened all my Xmas pressies really fast and the moments gone, if I get the chance again I think I might like a surprise at birth and for hubby to be there too.....

I'm thrilled to be having a little boy and I have a niece being born in May so my Mum will be a happy grandma with one of each!! :)

I'll post the piccy later on as hubby's got my laptop.

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God and I said girl! I'm convinced I'm having a dinky winky too but now not so sure!!

Oh don't worry about opening all your Christmas presents up...as long as your happy and enjoying things it doesn't matter you have waited long enough. I did think am I spoiling it for myself if I'm too organised getting bits and bobs but actually I love being organised so this is great!

My 20wk scan I'm on my own OH is working so if we find out he won't be there. I'm sure your cousin feels honoured to have gone with you.

Congratulations on team blue :) :pompom:
Oh bless you hun!! Congrats!!

My 3 little nephews are all amazing and I'll be over the moon if I get a little blue bean! If we get that far we'll be staying team yellow though...

Cosmic is going to be depressed to hear both your gender tests thingys were wrong though LOL!

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Aww lucky you!

I was sure I saw a winky on my scan too and the woman told me not to be silly and that it was far too early! I know what I saw though. Am dying to know but we are staying team yellow. X
Awwww you got a dinky winky one!! Congrats Maybe - Was expecting a girl for you. xx
I can't believe the gender maker test was wrong, I had all my hopes pinned on that!
Are you sure it wasn't a clitoris you saw? ;) xx
awww congrats are you going to get it confirmed at your 20 week scan xx
Maybe!!!!! OMG i cant believe you know already!


x x x
Huge congrats!! Blue bundles are awesome, I have 3 nephews and they are all brilliant! X

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Hi Girls!

Thanks for all the congrats!!:)

I've got a 16 week scan on the 18th so not long to confirm, but I'd say its 75-80% boy! :)

Heres the piccys...



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    Winky photo diagram.jpg
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whod have thought winkys could be soo cute lol x

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