I know im being a pain....


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2009
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but ive been having pains. a bit like AF pain mostly on my left side....could this be implantation? im due AF on saturday when do you normally implant???

im so confuzzled

i done an OPK test and a preggo one. OPK came back positive and the Preggo one BFN :wall2: but then i think i saw a VERY faint line, but i think i was just hoping it to be there if that makes sence???

I know i shouldnt base the OPK as a preggo test, but surely i cant be ovulating now??

Can anyone give me some info on implantation etc???

this is really doin my nut in this month and OH is asking why im doing this to myself (we werent gonna monitor it this month)

Ema I'm exactly the same agonising af pain, more on left, bfn on hot and pos on opk but don't think I can be ov????? I'm so confused too, also have sore nipples and light headedness. Any advice for us anyone? X
No advice I'm afraid as I'm soooo clueless regardingovulation and implantation-I've never experienced ovulation pains (well I did once in the middle of an English lit class at college but that was one and only time) or implantation bleeding x I'm a bit crap really as never really paid attention to ovulation times only when af was due so it's been a revelation on here hearing about opk's (had no idea these existed), ov signs, implantation info etc etc x you'd think at 24 I'd have more of a clue about this stuff!
toni its so frustrating isnt it?!

we have been TTC about 10months now....and still no joy....how long have you been TTC?

thanks helen, your reply was nice even if you dont have any info lol...

the pains arent all the time, about 10mins on sunday when i was getting ready for work and then on and off today, but no show and no CM anymore.
I think ive turned into one of those obsessed women who desperatly wants a baby but cant have one lol, i vowed id never be like this lol...
sorry i dont have anything useful to say but just wanted to wish you good luck.
Thanks frankie and Helen. Yeah emma I'm the same, getting paranoid already bur only been trying two months. Goodness knows what I'll be like in a few months time. When are you testing, think I'm gonna try wait till Saturday, see if af comes in the meantime
when is your AF due toni??

Mine is due sat so i think ile hold off till then too in the hops that it doesnt show lol x
No idea when af is due really as only recently come off pill so all pot luck but I was sure I ov'd bout a week and a half ago. Yay I have a test buddy!
ema lou i got a bfp on an opk before a bfp on a pregnancy test x
i have no idea whats going on lol

now my sis wants me to go to a baby show in glasgow on saturday......(she doesnt know im TTC) so its a bit of a kick in the teeth, but shes no1 else to go with x
Hi Ema, Fingers crossed that it's your lucky month

Go to the show with your sister, as you are TTC, it will be well exciting for you, you can take a mental note of all the cool stuff you will save for when you get your BFP, nothing like seeing the stuff in person rather than online. XX
on the plus side if you go they may be giving out free samples of stuff that you could hold untill you get your bfp!!
good luck hun. hope you get some answers soon. xxx
well i googled some implantation stuff ...i found it really interesting! so thought i would share

Fertilization to implantation

The implantation of a fertiziled egg can happen anywhere from 3-12 days after ovulation. In most cases, it happens somewhere between 7-10 days. The journey to implantation is a long one. The process begins when the egg is released from the ovary at ovulation. It is then pushed into the fallopian tube by the movement of hair-like cilia that line the tube. If the sperm is released before or right at ovulation, the egg is fertilized in the fallopian tube. The fertilized egg (zygote) must then begin its journey to the uterus. After about 1-2 days of entering the uterus, the zygote will begin its process of implantation into the uterine lining. From here (if all goes well), it will begin its 9 month process of growing into a baby.
Signs of implantation

Some women feel no signs of implantation, while others do. While the signs of implantation are very similar to those of PMS, it can be quite hard to detect specifically if implantation is taking place. In general, the only way to know for sure is through a pregnancy test. Below are some signs associated with implantation. Many of these symptoms can happen with egg implantation but one or none may occur as well.

Implantation Bleeding

Implantation spotting is light bleeding that can occur when a fertilized egg is implanting into the uterus. Implantation spotting does not look like a normal period but it often is confused for one since it occurs around the same time that a period is due.
Implantation spotting is generally lighter than a normal period. It is usually brown or pink in color versus the red color of a full period. It is unlikely to be enough blood to fill a tampon.
Women tend to experience it anywhere from a week to a few days before their period is due. As the fertilized egg starts to burrow into the uterine lining, it will often trigger slight bleeding or spotting. This is normal and is often the sign of pregnancy. However, some women confuse it for their period and neglect to take a pregnancy test. If you think you might be pregnant (due to implantation spotting), take a pregnancy test. If the test is negative, wait until the day after your period is due to take the test again.
Implantation spotting is normal with pregnancy, as is light spotting in the early stages. Implantation spotting occurs in 20%-30% of all pregnancies. This is around the time that you may start to experience early signs of pregnancy as well.


Some women will experience light cramping as the egg implants into the uterine lining. This cramping can feel more or less extreme than PMS. For many women it is located on either the left or right side; possibly due to side of the uterus the fertilized egg implants on.
Some women experience the cramping more in the evening than during the day. Some have it for a few hours only while others will experience it for days.
Overall, these cramps can distinguish themselves from menstrual cramps as they come sooner than PMS cramps would. It can also be a sign of pregnancy if you generally do not suffer from menstrual cramps.

Change in basal body temperature

If you have been charting your temperatures, then you might notice a slight shift during implantation. Some women will chart a slight drop in their BBT as the egg implants, that drop would then be followed by a third tier rise in temperature. This would be the body responding to an increase in progesterone. It is common for women to experience a dip in their temperature.

Is there a test to confirm implantation?

There is no test or official way to tell if implantation has occurred. The only way to confirm that implantation has happened is through a pregnancy test. Upon implantation, the body begins to emit a hormone called HcG. This is the hormone that pregnancy tests test for. Given that HCG levels rise each day after implantation, early testing often proves to be negative. Even the most sensitive of tests cannot confirm pregnancy until at least 7-10 days after ovulation, which is often a few days after implantation.
Overall, the best way to work with the not knowing if implantation has occured, is to be patient. Trying to guess or inspect what the body might be doing is enough to drive any pregnancy-desiring female crazy.
Really interesting that ema. Made for good Reading. Thank you

im wanting to do one in the morning, but if im honest i think i will wait till AF due.

getting more AF pains tonight, not really bad ones, just noticable......wishful thinking me thinks lol xx

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