I hope this month is the month

My af would of been a week late today going on a 28 day cycle like being on the pill and i got quite a dark line on my hpt.
Fingers crossed you get ur bfp when u do decide to test hun x x

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Did you test in the last week at all? Just wondering if you waited to test or if the positive just never showed up til now?
Oh its so horrible having to wait and not knowing isnt it! Im 9 days late now and just want to know either way, my doctors wouldnt test me either!

Said I had to wait another 3 days!!!

bunny have u tested?! why did they say the wouldnt test you?
i think there cutting back on costs lol!

Mumm2adam, this will be your second, right? how long ago was your first, was u ttc then or fell pg? x
my doctors wouldnt test me either!

That's crazy!

I'm under the impression that we could take a urine sample to any GP, family clinic or most pharmacies with a urine sample and get free tests - so your GP denying you a test is just wrong.
She just said that as it was the same day as I had already tested, it was a waste!!!! :shock:

Yes i've tested twice now, one 2 days after AF was due and had a pink smudge that looked like the dye had run .. and the one the day of the docs and that was a BFN :(

So i'm still just waiting now!

My little man is 2yrs 2months old, i came off the pill and fell pregnant straight away, i was on the pill for 5/6 years before Adam. This time i had been on the pill roughly about 2 years x x

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i can't believe your GP's won't test you, that's so mean! im glad i have a half decent GP. They should do it to put your mind at rest!! xx
I went to a nurse at docs for a vaccination a little while ago and she told me test at home and rebook later, i was a bit shocked lol. x
Some doctors tests are sent of to the lab and you have to wait for your results, i think they are trying to cut back. But its still not fair after all we do pay our NI!! x x

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Normally there fine, I think it's all about money now! Although i recon the family planning clinic will still do them. He used to be really good but I think now he said he has done all the tests they can on me there giving up lol!
Mummy2adam I remember you saying earlier actually, but that us reslly good. After this lil one is this gonna be it? X
Have you still managed to hold of testing hun? I keep checking whether you have posted yet.

Im not too sure whether this will be my last one, maybe one more would be nice but im grateful for the LO i have and my bean, so i think its only fair that i share some babydust :dust::dust::dust: x x

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Aww, no not tested, i really want to but OH doesnt!!! im so frustrated!
well you are doing so well not testing, theres no way i could have resisted this long! Good luck! x
I agree with Cherelle, you are doing very well not to test. When does your OH want u to wait till hun? x x

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