I have sort of started my maternity leave! :)


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2009
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I am off work now until September 2nd and then go back for 3 weeks before maternity leave :dance:

I am so happy to have finished work and the kids in my class bought me some of the most gorgeous bits for the baby as thank-you presents.

Am also celebrating tonight because DH passed his driving theory test and can now book his driving test- I'm hoping he will be able to drive me to the hospital in October but he has only had one lesson so far so might be a bit of a long shot - we'll see though :)
yeay! you can now enjoy your summer and hopefully your pregnancy! Fingers crossed your Oh will get his licence in time for babys arrival! XX
Yeahhhhh :dance:
Feels so good doesn't it?
Emjoy your summer
:yay: I have seriously considered a career change into teaching for this reason!! :lol: I work in schools anyway but for NHS so dont get the holidays off.

Congrsats on starting mat leave, youve got loads of time now to get organised for your autumn baby! :yay:
yay i love summer hols as im a full time mum im making the most of them this year as it my last layins for a few years and some quality time with my dd befor new one arrives and she goes off to high school
Yay!! Me too except I'm not going back after the hols, my mat leave starts on 1st Sept! Woo hoo for us teachers! x
I was thinking of you on Friday Annie, we broke up a couple of weeks ago and it has been fab so far, I go back on 2nd for the Inset but when term starts on 6th I'm outta there!

You will find though that your mind will completely go to pot, mine did when I didn't have to worry about lesson planning, marking deadlines etc, I am so forgetful now.

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