I have a scan date!

Thanks hun. I'm a massive worrier and it was so frustrating trying to graduate from TTC with my cycles that now we're actually here, I really, really cannot believe it. I keep asking myself if I feel pregnant then I start telling myself I AM pregnant LOL.

Then I start worrying about being excited and going to the scan and then not being able to see anything. It's a huge fear for me, I'm absolutely terrified. I think when we do the next test on Friday, it will reassure me, especially if the line is darker.

Gutted I won't be able to post on here til the Monday though!! :(

x x
i really hope everything works out for you and the scan shows your little one wriggling about with a nice strong heartbeat and i'm sure it will.

there has been enough heartache and bad news on this forum of late and so we all deserve some better news and you're bfp has been the one that has made me proper smile over this weekend because we were all waiting for it and it's such lovely news.....

i'm not too bad thanks....just looking towards the future again now xxx
I really hope you're back in here soon my lovely. Am thinking of you and Sam. x x
thanks my darling...

we have decided to give it til may to try again...just because if i were to fall pregnant this month, i would be due too close to wedding date and if i were to fall in april then i would be HUGE at the wedding day...so if we wait til after 2nd period......i should be a nice aort of 27ish weeks at the wedding, which would be ok wouldnt it...

i reckon i should get af in about 5 or 6 weeks and so if you think about it, got 10 weeks to wait to ttc....which is nothing in the grand scheme of things is it...

that 10 weeks will give me time to get my body back in good shape again and lose some weight and get healthy

Hi MissJuly10...

My Husband and I have been TTC for 2 years. We had just booked in for IVF when we got our BFP. The first test we did a 4am just before I flew off on a business trip. Completely expected the usual BFN and went into shock when I saw the pregnant message..... Did my second test in the toilets at the office I was visiting in Finland to find it came back BFP again.... think I could of done ten more and still it would not sink in.

We went and got an early scan yesterday at 6 weeks. Was so happy that we got to see a little bean with a heartbeat. But still my Husband and I cannot believe it is real.... not sure what it will take for it to sink in.... think its the phycological barrier of that 12 week milestone....but is such a releif to see a little heartbeat though. :-)

Hope all goes well for your scan in a few weeks.... :-)
Sounds like a great plan hun. :thumbup:

I'm going to be :pompom: for you!! x x
Hi MissJuly10...

My Husband and I have been TTC for 2 years. We had just booked in for IVF when we got our BFP. The first test we did a 4am just before I flew off on a business trip. Completely expected the usual BFN and went into shock when I saw the pregnant message..... Did my second test in the toilets at the office I was visiting in Finland to find it came back BFP again.... think I could of done ten more and still it would not sink in.

We went and got an early scan yesterday at 6 weeks. Was so happy that we got to see a little bean with a heartbeat. But still my Husband and I cannot believe it is real.... not sure what it will take for it to sink in.... think its the phycological barrier of that 12 week milestone....but is such a releif to see a little heartbeat though. :-)

Hope all goes well for your scan in a few weeks.... :-)

Wow, that's amazing!

We'd only been trying since the end of July/beginning of August but my cycles are irregular so we were always lost and wondering if we were or not. I've only done one test, not brave enough for a digi yet I don't think! Lol.

I bet the scan was absolutely fantastic to see the heartbeat and everything.

Thank you Chookette. :) x x
The second test I did was a cheap one that I bought at the airport.... :-) They say even if its a really faint line that is is positive....

Also if you are starting to feel the effects of being pregnant then maybe you don't need the test... Your body seems to know for itself.... :-)
I am indeed. Headaches, nausea and tiredness. :)

I just want to get the second test over with, seeing another line will defo reassure me. x x

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