i have a confession to make....


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2007
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:( :( :( :( :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

i thought that as soon as i found out i was pregnant, i would stop smoking straight away, but that wasnt the case..
ive been smoking about 5 a day (it used to be about 25 a day) so ive cut down a LOT, and its been hard, but i want to get rid of these 5!

ive got some nicotinell gum and i havent even opened the packet yet... but it says see ur doctor before you take them if your pregnant... has anyone used these gums when pregnant??
i'm not a smoker and haven't been, but hugs :hug: :hug: :hug: and good on you for cutting down so much already, you obviously have the willpower so the final few shouldn't be so bad for you. i know nat's a boy and therefore not pregnant lol but he tried the gums and they helped him cut out the last few, so hopefully they will for you too. give your midwife a call, or pop into a boots pharmacy, i'm sure they've been asked the question before. good luck hun, i know you can do it x
thanks shell...

midna... i wanted advice not grilling!! :)
i know how hard it can be for smokers so to cut down by any amount is better than none at all. i know a girl who smoked all the way through and her baby was ok, but still at least unlike her you are actually making the effort. x
:shock: kim

seriously she culd grow up having like breathing problems and asthma etc how would that make her feel

i gave up as soon as i saw the double red lines as i do anything and i mean anything 4 my riley
thats enough for me

i went back smoking though :roll:
about 3 weeks after her birth
not near her though
midna thats what i sed
u wait till u have a good drink and others around u r having a fag lol
How come you weren't smoking on the meet?

I don't think everyone should be having a go at you hun, its so hard :hug: especially with all the sh*t with Shane's family. At least you are being honest and trying to quit, and I don't think you should be flamed by everyone...
i cant imagine nicotine gum is as bad as cigarettes, as it only contains nicotine and not any of the cancer-causing chemicals. give it a try, good luck! :hug:
frangelle said:
How come you weren't smoking on the meet?

I don't think everyone should be having a go at you hun, its so hard :hug: especially with all the sh*t with Shane's family. At least you are being honest and trying to quit, and I don't think you should be flamed by everyone...

thanks fran :hug: :hug:
wasnt smoking at the meet because obviously i didnt want to smoke in front of everyone etc
Kimbo said:
frangelle said:
How come you weren't smoking on the meet?

I don't think everyone should be having a go at you hun, its so hard :hug: especially with all the sh*t with Shane's family. At least you are being honest and trying to quit, and I don't think you should be flamed by everyone...

thanks fran :hug: :hug:
wasnt smoking at the meet because obviously i didnt want to smoke in front of everyone etc

Ah I see. No worries hun.

Maybe you could go to your doctor and see what they suggest? Good luck :hug:
Hi Kimbo... Fags are 3€ a packet here...so smoking doesn't even break the bank...I used to smoke about 20 a day....and when we decided to start trying I tried packing it in...but it was hard... I cut down but there will still those few I couldn't shift... the one before work, the one after dinner, the one after work.... Etc... but then I got pregnant, and well I just chucked them...

It really isn't as hard as people make out... your more habitually addicted than anything else... I stopped going to pubs and bars so that I wasn't in a smoky environment which helped me not get too tempted...and I made the DH quit too, because the smell on his clothes was quite tempting too..

Come on Kimbo, you can do it... You've got a beautiful little princess in your tummy, it's easy when you think of her... :hug:
Come on Kim, you know this already but you really need to give up.
You are already half way through your pregnancy............even at 5 a day thats a lot of fags/chemicals your baby girl has been getting.
Like midna and becks, I gave up cold turkey as soon as I got those lines. I was a heavy smoker, drinker, party girl but for me there was no option of smoking EVER. What helped me: Get it into your head that you are not allowed to smoke, treat it like drinking or drugs, you simply can't do it.
Good luck, if you need any help just give me a PM. I really do know how hard it can get, you can do it! :D
thanks everyone.....
i think midna's "you might aswell just blow smoke in her face" has done it for me.

ill let you know how it goes :pray: :pray: :pray:
midna said:
Becksss said:
midna thats what i sed
u wait till u have a good drink and others around u r having a fag lol

LOL ..I know its gonna be hard ..gotta be strong ..I hope I dont go back to it.
At the moment I miss the drink more than the smoke ... I really cant wait for a pint. :D mm yum
im not one for drinking tbh
I only like to drink to get drunk.. if im going out etc which is rare also drink makes me put on weight smoking dont
I went through so much shit when preg with damien 2 but i knew just 4 my littel baby i wasnt going to smoke
and i survived
:cheer: u can 2 kim
Kim - you need to speak to doctors or midwife - you can use gum or patches when pregnant but you need advice first. In fact our local doctor's prescribe them for pregnant smokers - but they will give you advice on safe use etc. It is better to use patches or gum rather than smoke obviously as the other chemicals aren't in there - and better that than still smoking if you're struggling to go cold turkey
I know how hard it is to give up- and to give up the last few seems especially hard for some reason.

I gave up 3 years ago and used the patches and gum because I smoked a lot (I wasn't preg). Ask your doc/midwife and I think they will ok the patches or gum if you think you really need them.

It is hard but you can do it :cheer:

Go to your GP and get some nicorette patches, they are fantastic and they are ok to use in pregnancy as they are better than smoking. They only contain nicotine without all the other crap you get in fags.

I quit on NYE this year so ive done 8 1/2 months now, it was hard at first but im tellin ya those patches are wicked they really do work and stop you craving so much. Once you have gotten out of the habit the rest is not so hard.
I know its tough but you can do it i promise.

Please please give it a go, your baby could grow up with breathing problems etc and you would feel so guilty. Cmon girl u can do it ;) :hug:
Well done for at least cutting down. My friend was pregnant at the same time as me and smoked the whole way through her pregnancy. She knew what she was doing was wrong but she didn't even cut down. Her baby ended up in hospital at 2 months old with bronchulitis (sp). This may not have been as a result from her smoking but it does make you wonder. But did she learn her lesson, not a bloody bit of her she is pregnant again and puffing dawn to dusk....makes me mad :x

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