i hate this road.


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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i hav to cross it nearly every day when i go for a walk to the shops or whatever and as u can see its so hard to see around the corner and cars and sometimes lorries come whizzing around. i wonder if i can show this vid to the council or something and ask them to put a zebra crossing in or something.
sorry about the shakey quality btw i had to keep both hands on the pushchair u see
oh and there is no sound my cam dont do sound hehe
firtsly bab looks gorgeous

there definately should be a crossing on that road, it's awful :shock:
Not that you should have to but I'd follow it round the bend a little and then cross. Tell the council, nothing ventured nothing gained!

bubby looks lovely :D
I'd definitely get in touch with the council I wouldn't fancy trying to cross that road.
the problem with going around the corner is that u then hav the same problem with the traffic coming the other way. at the point where i cross theres an island in the middle so i only hav to look one way when crossing (around that stupid corner) but around the corner not only do i STILL hav to look around that corner (its almost a crescent) but i also hav to look round the other corner too! :roll:
it wouldnt be so bad if all them stupid cars werent parked there blocking the view :x
oh my gosh there should definitely be some kind of crossing there - looks dangerous!!!
Fook me :shock: :shock: :shock: Is there no zebra crossing???????? I'd send it to the council because I couldn't see that car coming round the corner...

Ahhhh lil baby girl looks soooo sweet.... :D
:shock: i hate having to push alice out in front of me at roads like that! i pull her behind me, so i can see without putting her at risk.

Def say something to them! hope yours is better than mine. Ive complained to mine about a road near me, but no comeback yet :wall: [/img]
Trixi- shes so sweet sleeping away there while mummy looks out for her safety :D Little does she know!
aw bless she looks soooooo cute!!!

looked like you legged it across that road which I would have done too, it looks awful!

I live not only on a blind bend, but a blind bend in a country road, and weve already had someone smash into the back of our car, and a gilr was thrown off her horse not so long ago as a car came round the corner and startled the horse. I suggested to a nieghbour that we ask the council for either a speed bump (you wouldnt believe how fast some idiots in big lorries bound for the farm pelt around that corner) or a road mirror, but apparantly they said no as they are dangerous :shock:

Perhaps you could ask the council politely, and if you dont get a positive response you could get a petition going with the locals.

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