Pregnancy brain?


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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I was walking towards the bus stop yesterday and stopped at the pavement. I'm overly cautious when crossing the road (nasty car vs me accident last year) and was about to step off the pavement to cross when a car appeared around the corner. Now bearing in mind I could probably have crossed the road several times before the car actually passed where I was standing I panicked when I saw the car and threw my arm out to stop DD from starting to cross. All very well and good except DD wasn't with me and I managed to smack OH right in the goolies! *blush* x oops x I am so blaming pregnancy brain for this one but I'm not the only fool in my family! My sister was driving to work and had picked up a workmate to give them a lift. She goes round quite a sharp bend and someone is overtaking on the her side if the road so she automatically puts her arm across her passenger to stop them flying forward as she slams on her brakes! She said her passenger didn't know what to say or do! And also what does she think seatbelt are for?! Lmao! She doesn't even gave pg brain to blame either! x
My Mum and her 2 sisters all put there arm across whoever's in the passenger seat when we have to brake sharply! Just instinct I guess?! lol

:rotfl: haha this post has made me giggle! Bless ya x

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Glad I've made some people smile! Made me laugh after he'd managed to straighten up again! X
i think i still have preg brain even though ive had me boy lol x

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