I felt Baby Devon move today - yay

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hey girls -

Was laying very quietly this morning, as have a headache as I've been up 4 times in the night for the loo - more than normal - sooo annoying! (Everytime I woke up I had to have a small drink of water as my mouth was sooo dry it had curled up!)

Well having felt no flutters or movement at all so far and have a front placenta , which explained that more - I was laying there pursuading myself it was time I should be up -

when I felt a small kick at the top of my tummy where the sonographer had told me was his feet!

I then plonked my hand on tummy andkept it there for 20 mins, and felt 9 more, tiny ones or movements (but wouldn't have felt those ones without hand being there or prob being flat on back!)

Fantastic .... what a weekend it's turning out to be.....
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awww its a great feeling isnt it. I think its funny how you forget what it feel like from your other pregnances but I soon as you feel it again you know.
Awwwww! Yay! x how lovely! He'll be kicking your ribs before long! Lol x
Great news - its such a nice feeling isnt it. This little one is already getting into routine and is very active between 4 and 5pm, and then I get little flutters occasionaly throughout the day.

Yeah!!! What a good start to your sunday - bet that made up for the headache :)
Yay! I think my little P-wee is still sitting upright as most of my kicks are down low. I love it!

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