i feel zonked zzzzz

confuzed 88

Well-Known Member
Nov 19, 2010
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i feel so sleepy its crazy, i pretty much have wasted all day yday and today lying around the house being lazy....this is normal right? i wonder how i will be at work on thursday :(
i cant sleep at night, i wake up every 2-3 hours go to the loo, get a glass of water then jump back into bed..i havent had a decent nights sleep in a week :(

Also ive been experiencing odd pains at night...they dont hurt just feel uncomfortable around my down below area, keep feeling like i might start my periods ( ive never had serious period pains) and then i get scared...anyone else experienced this?

also my eating habits have gone funny, i feel hungry but when it comes to eating i dont know what to eat but at the same time want to eat then here i go wasting another 30mins of my lie deciding, and iv been having odd stuff like tomato soup for breakfast lol

my minds going bonkers i think :(


p.s. how do i get a pregnancy ticker at the bottom of my posts
oh hun. im exactly the same. sounds tupid but ive just got a letter to say i have a house inspection on 2nd december which im dreading cos i havent had the motivation to do anything but basic cleaning and tidying.

im sure everything is fine. again ive had a similar pain down there after going to the toilet.

it will all get better im sure( at least i hope). lol.


oh click on someones ticker that you want and it will go straight to a link to make your own
Hello! I'm feeling exactly the same. I did 4 hours at work today and just wanted to sit down the whole time cos i felt so sleepy. I don't know how i'm going to do a 8 hour busy shift at the deli i work at :( Sometimes I get really mild ''cramping'' at night, although i hate using that word. I'm savagely hungry, like i'm leterally eating for 2!! I really hope I'll be OK this time.... as I had an early misscarriage a couple of months back :( I'm scared of going to the doctor this time in case the same thing happens again. x Sorry for rambling!
Hey I've been working then coming home and sleeping! At night I'll be up every few hours for a wee! Feel like I'm hungover but without the alcohol !! Iys all worth it if my ickle one is fine :) xx
I feel nackered too its completley normal and ive been feeling like im gonna come on only very slight niggly pains though.xxx
same i have very slight uncomfortable feelings...i havent been eating much...my diet seems alot better now than what it was before..i used to eat alot of junk..now its just watevers cooked at home in small portions...so thts lots of yummy curry :D
how do i get the ticker onto the bottom of my post :S i found how to personalize it just not how to add it to my posts

copy ant paste the url code into the edit signature box hun

im absoloutly shatterd i fall asleep constantly your lucky if im awake 5 hours a day atm :( i fel asleep in the front seat of the car the other day twice while out shopping at RUSHOUR loool apparently i pull faces when i sleep my mate says i atracted some attention ! fell asleep im a resturant the other night :$ oops well they were taking to long with dinner :cool: oh eating i had pineapple and cake for breakfast this morning brussle sprouts on there own mashed with butter for lunch lol and steak peprsauce and mushrooms for dinner i dont even like mushrooms ! its murder i wake up every morning at 5 am on the dot for cherios :S i dont like milk either lol so strange found myself sat yesterday dipping garlic kievs in GRAVEY didnt realise what i was doing until OH pointed it out :| x
Same here just had a rubbish night, OH says I keep snoring so was aware of that as I have a bit of a cold so got zero sleep :-( The food thing is a nightmare too Im living on cereal but when i think of the next meal I feel thoroughly sick! I hope that goes away as normally I love my food!
ive had the worst day today...im actually going to start some kind of exercise to keep myself active...erghh this mingin feeling of wanting to sleep all the time :(
Ive just started feeling tired in the last few days, its hard work with my little one wanting to play constantly! hoping i dont get it as bad as i did with him! think i slept the first few months of his pregnancy! x
if I didn't have to work I wouldnt mind hibernating throughout winter lol but its the thought of going to work feeling like this :'(
Same here, realllly shattered at the moment...

Keep waking myself up when im home in front of the tv by feeling the dribble running down my cheek! Haha, then have to wipe the snail trail away while i remember before i go out and get funny looks! Sexy or what! xxx
yep same here, could sleep for england and got scatter brain,

very hard when you got a little one of 2 running round an then when there at play group your at work haha


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