I enjoy crafting wedding stationery


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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When I got married stationery was and still is expensive so I started making it to save brides money what do u think!? These are just some that I do, normally for friends or family or friends of friends I really love doing them.

I also do a bespoke service at no extra cost and photo invitations for all kinds of occasions am hoping during maternity I can get a few more orders to allow me to stay off work longer!!:wall2:


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Wow they are lovely kellylou.
They're really lovely! My sister made her wedding stationary to save on money! x
I got into crafting doing my stationery now I am hooked!
i also have a facebook page with a shop if you could help spread the word and "like" it,


Kelly Lou, well done they are really lovely and classey, I make cards myself , and it's soo addictive, (not done so much since Devon as his cot was were my desk was! and having to downsize my stuff at mo as it;s all hidden behind a curtain near his cot in my room and it's not babyproof to have him in there !

I want to run my own bussiness , you should too and not go back to work, maybee yourll not get rich,as there isj a limit what you can charge compared to your time put in, but you will love your job!
They are beautiful, I made all my own stationary to save money too ... it got a lot of very nice comments! But I did find it all a bit stressful in the end.
Yes a lot of people said they found it stressful and don't know how I do it but I only do a few orders a year for family and friends and it basically covers costs if I charged for my time I would never get any orders! I just wanted to be able to do it to keep me crafting and try new things.
OH wants me to set up a business but I haven't got the space yet need a bigger house and a room so watch this space!
i still need my wedding invites.... (goes off to look at you fb page!) Like you said everyone charges a lot of money!

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