I doppler'd!


Well-Known Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Yes ladies, I did it! I said I wouldn't but I couldn't wait another 3 weeks to hear baby's heart! It was AMAZING!! Me and the OH have been sat for about half an hour 45 mins listening to baby!! :D.
I read a few posts and thought, why not let's do it! Piece of mind = restored.
:D :D

:D it is amazing!! cant explain in words how relaxing the heartbeat is :) grats hun xx
I love it! Been listening to it since my tenth week, and I just wish I could do it all day every day!! I usually limit myself to once a week xx
Hahaha!! I love that you have to limit yourself leesey XD. Omg it's so good! So relaxing! I know what I'm doing in bed later!! :D.

Yay! It's really exciting isn't it? I only do it once a week as pickle usually moves away when I use mine so I guess he doesn't like it. But it's so reassuring to hear xx

I bought one yesterday, can't wait for it to arrive eeeeek xx
its moment like this i wish i had a doppler x
Thats brilliant! I bought one on ebay but i've not had the courage to use it yet!!!
I just had to bite the bullet and go for it :D. I can't stop now haha! Got a really strong one a few minutes ago! :D. But it's moving around a lot, one minute it's over to the left, the next it's on the right and I swear I can hear it wriggling round as well! Like plops and swooshes :D. Just wish I could feel a proper wriggle now rather than a tickle in my tummy every so often! AAAHHH I'M SO EXCITED!

I just had to bite the bullet and go for it :D. I can't stop now haha! Got a really strong one a few minutes ago! :D. But it's moving around a lot, one minute it's over to the left, the next it's on the right and I swear I can hear it wriggling round as well! Like plops and swooshes :D. Just wish I could feel a proper wriggle now rather than a tickle in my tummy every so often! AAAHHH I'M SO EXCITED!

I've heard the moving sounds to, like a 'blib' or a 'blob' every so often. It's more frequent now than it was a couple of weeks ago :)
That's exactly it! I'm sure baby's like 'Mum, stop it! Mum! Quit poking me!' and then kicking it! :D. Still can't quite get my head around the fact that I'm creating a human life and don't even have to think about it! It's absolutely amazing! It's a proper little person in there! :O :D.


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