I don't know what I'm doing!!!!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2010
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So I have exclusively bf little man.
I have tried for months to get him to take ebm from a bottle/cup/spoon/syringe anything, he refuses.
I'm out of ideas and I'm back at work next month (and need to take my boons with me!). I'm I'm a right pickle.
One lady at the breast feeding group suggested I give him some formula in a bottle, then it's not related to my breasts as such.
I have never given any of my children formula, all the others have ebf then weaned and that's it.
What do you think of this idea? He would bf when I am home but when I'm not there try formula?
If so, which one do I use? Which is best? Will it give him an upset stomach? Constipation?
I literally know nothing about formula.
I looked in Asda this morning but its so confusing!!!
And omg how bloody expensive is it???
Help!!!! x
It seems to me the issue is the vessel and not the type of milk. Until he takes the bottle he won't know there is a difference in the contents iykwim? So I really don't think formula is a solution.

I think you should persevere with a bottle, maybe even when he is very hungry (so more likely to take the bottle, but also more likely to get stressed)

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I did try and so did my mum (remember when I went to London over night?) and it was awful. He didn't get so hungry that he accepted the bottle, he just cried and slept til I got home :(
The lady thought that if he tasted ebm in the bottle he would think "no,I want that out of mummy not this bottle?"
I'm not sure but was going to try because nothing else has worked :( xx
My friends lil boy would not take ebm or formula out of anything. She kept trying and eventually he did but he was 11 months by then and at nursery. All i can suggest is keep trying. Sometimes they reverse cycle. Try asking on Disspelling Breasrfeeding myths group on FB

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I also don't think formula would make a difference. What about trying from a soft spout cup rather than a bottle?
Don't know what else to suggest other than finding a bottle/cup he'll take I'm afraid
How old is he now cos??

Would he entertain a sippy cup, maybe with water or baby juice (sorry if he's far to young for that). Just to get him drinking out of something else, then try putting milk in it.

I'm with nat I'm afraid, if he wouldn't even take the bottle when you weren't there I can't see formula being a solution. Sorry I know that doesn't help. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I've tried -
Tommee tippee bottles
MAM bottles
Dr Brown bottles
Avent bottles
Doidy cup
NUK soft spout cup
Tommee Tippee my first cup

And he refuses ALL of the above!!! :wall:
I am dreading leaving him at nursery knowing that he won't feed, as if leaving him wasn't hard enough! :( x
How old is he now cos??

Would he entertain a sippy cup, maybe with water or baby juice (sorry if he's far to young for that). Just to get him drinking out of something else, then try putting milk in it.

I'm with nat I'm afraid, if he wouldn't even take the bottle when you weren't there I can't see formula being a solution. Sorry I know that doesn't help. X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(

He's just over 6 months, very strong willed! x
cos are you weaning?i suppose that you are at 6 months. byt time he is 7 months when you go back he can have mornign boob, bedtime boob and sth with milk at lunch? or a yogurt? i know you said no dairy before 12 m, but they are really allowed dairy from 6 m just not as a main drink, so it may be an option? he cna even have sty made with formula or expressed milk? amelie is 7 m and 1/2 and she is down to 2 bottles and a 1/2 at afternoon that if get out she will not even notice...
i wouldnt worry really as in a month you will really crack on with weaning and he will be in 3 established meals to allow him to only have 2 boob feeds if he dosent accept anything else?
Well that's what I am hoping he does hope. The problem at the moment is that although we did start weaning at 6 months, he only takes such tiny amounts and really isn't that interested yet. I know it's early days in the weaning situation but he just loves booby more than anything in the world! His eyes light up when he goes near them!
I know he will start to take more food over the next month, I suppose I just have to play it by ear, there's no point worrying at this time.
Such a stubborn boy, I'm sure I don't know where he gets it from ;) xx
The lady at the breastfeeding clinic suggested this:

They gave me a small square bottle with a longish teat,
I was to put lo in the breastfeeding position they were used to, the cross cradle, on a pillow, then to put the bottle in rather than your nipple?

It was very messy at first but it was accepted, then we moved to bog standard boots teats.

Maybe worth going to a breastfeeding clinic to see what they say?
The lady at the breastfeeding clinic suggested this:

They gave me a small square bottle with a longish teat,
I was to put lo in the breastfeeding position they were used to, the cross cradle, on a pillow, then to put the bottle in rather than your nipple?

It was very messy at first but it was accepted, then we moved to bog standard boots teats.

Maybe worth going to a breastfeeding clinic to see what they say?

I've tried this :(
I even put the bottle under my jumper and peeped the teat out like I would my nipple, it didn't fool him :(
That was what the bf lady suggested at the group I went to. She tried the small square bottles with about 6 or 7 different teats :( xx
Is it just milk you've tried in them, or would he take water/juice?? X

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
For the first two months I tried with just ebm.
Then last week I tried cooled boiled water - he wouldn't entertain it!

Yesterday I tried some Heinz baby fruit juice. I put it in his NUK soft spout sippy cup and he gummed the spout a lot but I'm sure some went into his mouth! He didn't drink as such x
Yep, tried the doidy cup. He just threw the liquid everywhere, none went near his mouth! Bought a lovely purple sparkly one too :( x
Don't have anything else I'm afraid but how about the Medela Calma teat?
Hi cos,
I was just a bought to suggest the medela calma, expensive but worth it if it works? There is also a breast feeding bottle on amazon, breast flow I think it is called? All of them simulate sucking from the boob and creating the vacuum.
I was having the same problem with my LO. The way I got her to take the bottle was to sit her in her car seat/bouncer and offer the bottle this way. The idea being she wasn't associating being in the bfing position as getting the boobie. I used formula to get her to take the bottle as I didn't want to waste bm. She now takes the bottle from me and oh, we use MAM, so I will not start to express a few feeds for her.
I hope you get a solution soon


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