How do I wean of breast milk gradually?


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2007
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I need to wean Imogen off breast milk before I go back to work (2 June) so want to know how to wean her off gradually... how long does it take and if I cut down, what do I do with milk in boobs? I know if I express I will produce more so how can I do this without feeling too uncomfortable? She takes a bottle of EBM so am not too concerned about the bottle issue. It's more the formula - I guess I will find out if she will take it nearer the time - if she does am I better just stopping completely? Should I increase bottle feeds with EBM nearer time so she is used to bottles all time before introducing formula? And how long should I allow before returning to work to ensure she will take formula?
My OH will be full time dad and Imogen takes bottle from him well so should be good transition. We can increase him giving her bottle nearer time too.

Any ideas/advice ladies??
I know it isn't what you asked but you don't have to stop breastfeeding when you return to work. They have to allow you to have time to express if you are a nursing Mum when you return to work, if you want to go that route. Happy to answer any questions if you are interested.
Hi Nicky

Yes, I have thought about that but decided in the end it would be very impractical to do this. The nature of my job is visiting schools and playgroups (never regular appts. or hours) and expressing is simply out of the question. As I am frequently on visits I have nowhere to store milk and taking all the stuff out sterilised etc. and trying to put EBM in freezer bag in car (that's mostly where I'd have to express or a public toilet in between visits) just seems a nightmare. No two days are the same or in the same place. Also, my boobs are huge and I would like to see if they go down a bit before retunring to work or I have got to buy a new wardrobe. I live in about 3 tops at the mo which would not be suitable for work (not smart enough), but have a whole load of clothes in loft pre-pregnancy/BF

Also, I think I would be inclined to BF LO at night also, when really OH needs to be feeding LO when I return to work as I will need the kip!! He will be FT dad.

I know it IS possible, but my job is very stressful and I think this would add to the stress. I also can't see that I would have time to express at work. My days are very busy and meetings etc. often overrun, or don't have a finish time. Even if employer has to allow me more time, it just isn;t practical - I provide training and chair meetings, I can't just disappear to express (and there is no guarantee there is a spare room in the shool/nursery I may be in :( If things were different....

But thank you for your reply and suggestion Nicky, if I had a different job (office based, regular hours etc) I would def. express. BF x

Don;t mean to sound negative but I have given this a lot of thought.I am pro BF for sure. I am breadwinner (partner is student) so taking more time off with LO is not poss altho I would have liked to.
i might be able to help in a few weeks/months, iv only just started moving from breast to formula. i started at the same time i started weaning properly too, i give formula in the afternoon and only BF in evening and at nite. ill swap the evening feed soon.

i was concerned millie wouldnt take formula coz when she was really young (2/3 months) she wouldnt take a bottle at all (EBM). but at 6 months she was absolutely fine and enjoys all the formulas iv tried (sma, aptamil, cow&gate) no probs!

but yeah do gradually, on occasions when iv left her with my parents overnite and iv not been BFing at all, my boobs got very engorged and hurt lots. if i cut BF gradually that shouldnt happen. its work in progress atm tho! :hug:

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