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I dont have a clue... please help


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2006
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Hiya, well here goes...

As you know I have a two year old and am 5 months pregnant. zacks dad doesnt pay money towards him. Hes no where to be seen.
So I get income support and tax credits.

When my partner moves in with me, how does that affect my income support and child tax credits? and housing benifit? Will I still be able to get maternity grant?

My partner works part time and is also at uni for another year (leaves in july next year)

Anyone else been in the same situation? Im totaly lost.
No idea to be honest, youd probably be best asking your local CAB
Hi hun,

Once you live with a partner, you will have to inform everyone you get benefits from, otherwise you can be done for benefit freud.....once informed they will re-evaluate your claim, taking into account your OH circumstances.

But I am not sure how it works if you say that he is not Zacks Dad, as I believe that they will not take him into account when working out monies and milk tokens owed to you for Zack.

But your best bet is to ring up the social anonymously (if you wish), just to ask the question and see where you stand before you make the leap.

Good Luck babe! xx
When OH moves in, he'll be supporting you AND Zack - it's mental. Your income support will stop but you'll be able to claim working tax credit as well as child tax credit, as long as OH is working 16 hours or more - not sure how it works if he's working less than 16 hours. You won't get milk tokens, but you'll still get free prescriptions etc.

You'll probably be able to get your maternity grant based on the amount of tax credits you'll get . We can't claim tax credits, but could for the time I was on maternity, that was enough to get the grant.

They'll reassess your housing benefit and council tax benefit based on your new joint income.

Tracy xx
does he get a loan to be at uni? because that can affect it aswell they can say he can get a loan for living expenses whilst at uni and support you aswell i know its bad but he will have to put in a claim for both of you if he works less than 16 hours i think they will take into account he is studying i think you will end up with a little bit more money because he is working but i dont know i think yopu should definatley ring up anonomausly because benefits can be quite mean when i was going to go to uni when i was single getting income support i was going to get a student grant and they said my benefits would stop and i would have to get a loan for living expenses. WHAT! thats a big loan i would end up in more debt than its worth.
but if you are not married, then surely he can't be counted, can he? oh, it's really complicated! have applied for mine, but haven't received anything yet...they were mixed up with my married name and maiden name! :doh:

why don't you give them a call, hun? there is a helpline opened till late I think! (can't remember sorry!)

Hope you get your answers because it's annoying not to be able to plan in advance and know what to expect!

Mel xx
Before I moved in with my OH he was a single father and working, and he was on all sorts of benefits. When I moved in all his benefits stopped, even though I am not the kids mother and we are not married. He was a lot better off single than we are now even with 2 wages coming in because he got as much benefits as he did wages.
even if your not married Melhoney. It's so common to be un-married and stay as partners these days it's classed as commonlaw marriage.

Your income support would stop Violet but not sure about the others. Speak to jobcentre plus on the phone and they will be able to tell you everything you will and will not be able to claim xx
that's not nice then!!! and I am very naive!! :doh:

In France they don't count it loike that, and a lot of people abuse it actually! My best friend's parents neede money while she and her 2 siblings were still at school, so they "separated" (officially but were still seeing each other...nothing wrong in their relationship!!!) so that the mum could get the benefits for 3 children going to school and being a single mum!!!!
Not very honnest!

I am sorry it works like this, Violet, I hope you still manages fine!

Mel xx
woman get more money and help nowa days being single!!!!!!!

me and kris would be better off if we split up :x
i am better off as someone like dioone and sami as they have sed as i am a single mum, if i was to get a partner and move in with him by benfits would get lower
Thanks girls

I gave the job centre a ring this morning, didnt tell them who I was just said I was looking for as bit of info. Stupid horrible cow I spoke to, really nasty she was. I told her I was pregnant and blah blah blah.... said that OH isnt living with me yet... but have but his name down on the transfer form for living with me soon.

Bloody hell did I get an ear full from her. I dont think she was having a very good day. She wasnt useful at all the stupid cow. Think ill give them a ring back some other time and speak to someone different.

All she said was 'Your going to have to write a letter telling income support your pregnant. I dont know anything else really good bye' and hung up arrgghhh evil woman. Wish I knew what she looked like because if I ever saw her in the street :twisted: lol.
did u gt her name?? if so id ring up and complain hun
trying ringing em up again u may get a nicer more helpful person
Yeah will ring up tomorrow I think.

OH doesnt want me to ring again incase I get that woman again.
He doesnt trust me keeping my cool with her lol

Whats he on about just because I think shes a total cow and needs a lesson in communication and people skills doesnt mean ill have a go at her :angel: lol
thought it only classed as common law when you had been living together more than 6 years?

cas x
Cas, I think these days a couple living together have the same rights as a married couple after 6 months of living together and are therefore classed as common law from that point on?!
ohh is it 6 months :oops: lol..well today i got the liver and a kidney mixed up and my friend said that her mate has something wrong with his liver and i said "its ok they can remove it and he can live without it..its not that important" lol..what a blonde moment!!
cassi said:
ohh is it 6 months :oops: lol..well today i got the liver and a kidney mixed up and my friend said that her mate has something wrong with his liver and i said "its ok they can remove it and he can live without it..its not that important" lol..what a blonde moment!!

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
It's really bad the way the system works. You are classed as a couple from the moment you move in together for benefits sake, but not as a couple for other things unless you actually get married! :?

Violet - it won't make a bit of difference that your OH isn't Zack's father. He will have to fill in all of the forms as he is the earner, and he will have to put Zack down as a dependent. We will have the same thing once my wage drops. My DH will have to say he is financially responsible for my daughter as I have also never got a penny from her Father.

Is there nothing the CSA can do about getting some extra money from Zack's biological father? Or is this a route you don't want to go down?

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