I personally have worked all my adult life (20 years), only claimed for about a year when my daughter was little (ex-hubbie is disabled and couldn't look after a baby, but they refused to recognise him as disabled so we couldn't get childcare help if I went back to work), and will be going back to work fulltime after my maternity leave finishes. The only way that
may change is if we decide to have another child soon after, then it may not be worth me going back until after the birth.
I have also always paid my way in the housing system - whether that be owning my own house, or paying full private rent. But, this is soon to change.
I earn £24k a year so get a good wage, but poor DH only gets £13k. Therefore we will be claiming everything once LO is here. Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit - the lot. We are also relying on the council to house us as our tenancy has ran out.
Not because I am a sponger, but because of necessity. If the earnings were the other way around, we would be fine. I wouldn't need to claim as we could easily live on £24k for the 4 of us, but not on £13k.
I know this is a very heated discussion, and I don't want to cause anyone offence, or start arguments, but Momnat - get with the real world hun! There are loads of families who both work fulltime, and don't bring in £30k between them. You can't really be expecting benefits on top of this can you???