advice on income suppoert and tax credits

Sami I did say in my post that people who look after ill children are exempt from this! :wink:
i have worked through most of my sons life and if i manage to get pg again will work again but only part time

i would be better off financially staying home but i choose to work for state of mind reasons

its my personal opinion that any mother wishing to stay at home with her children for whatever reason should be able to and not be made to feel bad about it

i know some people say you should not have children unless you can keep them yourself but unfortuneately (sp) we live in a world where 9 out of 10 families would never be able to afford to have children if this was the case

rach said:
i have worked through most of my sons life and if i manage to get pg again will work again but only part time

i would be better off financially staying home but i choose to work for state of mind reasons

its my personal opinion that any mother wishing to stay at home with her children for whatever reason should be able to and not be made to feel bad about it

i know some people say you should not have children unless you can keep them yourself but unfortuneately (sp) we live in a world where 9 out of 10 families would never be able to afford to have children if this was the case


Here here :D
Rach, you know I love u 2 bits :hug: but I disagree.

I'd love to stay at home but if you can't afford it, u should work. Plenty working mums would love 2 stay at home but can't, why should the government support perfectly healthy people capable of working? It's wrong. just cause u have kids does not mean u cant work...
Momnat u cant expect taxpayers to support u when ur OH earns 30k! :shock:
See I think mummies (or daddy) should stay at home personally. BUT that's just the way I was brought up. I have no problem with people who choose to work after having children. I think mums/dads DO need more support to stay at home, but that doesn't make them spongers.

On a 30K income Momnat, you should be fine!!!!

Thanks for making me exempt K x :wink:

It is hard, we had to cut down alot of debts to afford for me to stay at home (which can be done - who gives a rats arse about credit rating if you want to stay at home with your bubba!). This was before we got DLA for Damien. We are alright now, we live fairly comfy can afford to have a take away once a month and go to the pub for a social drink every now and again. We're not well off at all, but we're comfortably not quite skint again.
:shock: just come back to this thread didnt realise id cause so much disagreement was only after advice, ooops.
Id like to be A SAHM but i like to have "my own" money rather than relying on OH - but no offence atall to ppl who do
thats ok if you can afford to stay at home and have a partner supporting you but i think its wrong that some mothers thingk its thier right to stay home and claim benefits.

On the otehr hand i tihnk its equally as bad for mothers to go to work wen they don;t have to just to buy the latest fashion and home comforts.
I think the benefits system is right - it's stops people just trying to take what they can for a comfy life. The government wouldnt leave anyone homeless or penniless would they.
We pay our taxes for this protection.
i work coz i have to!!! yes i do get benifit but that is as i am working, never worked out y i get so much lol!! i would way prefer to be a SAHM more than anything nut i cant 16 hours isnt that bad.
sami i agree u have a brilliant excuse i wouldnt wanna leave damien either!
i know braydon was not planned but wot gets me is a girl i went to skool had a baby for the council place and benifits the baby is so badly looked after she hadhim for the benifit thats wot gets up my nose
I used to work for the Social Security, and the system is wrong. U r a junkie u can claim DLA, my mum had cancer and cldn't work, she was refused DLA- wrong!
Sami said:
I think the benefits system is right - it's stops people just trying to take what they can for a comfy life. The government wouldnt leave anyone homeless or penniless would they.
We pay our taxes for this protection.

the benefits system sucks.
I'm not sure how I feel about mum's choosing to stay at home and expecting financial help off the government. Maybe if it's temporary during early childhood.

I work as an employability coach trying to get teenagers into work and what saddens me more is the families who have NEVER worked for generations and continue to work the system, encouraging their kids to do the same. It's an uphill battle..... :?

Although I WILL be returning to work full time (for mortgage, not shoe reasons! :wink: ), I wouldn't feel bad about claiming benefits if I had to.
I've worked for 15 years and contibuted enough to the country's coffers thankyou.

Despite abuse, I'm pleased to live in a country that has these systems in place to help the people who genuinely can't help themselves.#

Rant over :D
K X said:
I used to work for the Social Security, and the system is wrong. U r a junkie u can claim DLA, my mum had cancer and cldn't work, she was refused DLA- wrong!

I disagree with that totally, but the people who read the DLA sheets arent trained prefessionals, apparently its alot to do with how its worded.

I don't agree with they system abusers, but I agree with what LittleMinx said
Despite abuse, I'm pleased to live in a country that has these systems in place to help the people who genuinely can't help themselves
What part do u disagree with? The part where if u inject drugs u can get an open ended med cert and claim IB and DLA lifelong? I dealt with this on a daily basis in my previous job. :twisted:

DLA is not going to the people who need it (you aside) the bloody boy next door gets if for being hyperactive! :twisted:
I personally have worked all my adult life (20 years), only claimed for about a year when my daughter was little (ex-hubbie is disabled and couldn't look after a baby, but they refused to recognise him as disabled so we couldn't get childcare help if I went back to work), and will be going back to work fulltime after my maternity leave finishes. The only way that may change is if we decide to have another child soon after, then it may not be worth me going back until after the birth.

I have also always paid my way in the housing system - whether that be owning my own house, or paying full private rent. But, this is soon to change.

I earn £24k a year so get a good wage, but poor DH only gets £13k. Therefore we will be claiming everything once LO is here. Tax Credits, Housing Benefit, Council Tax Benefit - the lot. We are also relying on the council to house us as our tenancy has ran out.

Not because I am a sponger, but because of necessity. If the earnings were the other way around, we would be fine. I wouldn't need to claim as we could easily live on £24k for the 4 of us, but not on £13k.

I know this is a very heated discussion, and I don't want to cause anyone offence, or start arguments, but Momnat - get with the real world hun! There are loads of families who both work fulltime, and don't bring in £30k between them. You can't really be expecting benefits on top of this can you??? :shock:
The junkie bit obvously - I'm cold hearted enough to think your mum wouldn't deserve it! DLA and incapacity benefits are all over the place, but I think tax credits and income support work fairly alright, or maybe that's because they see me by ok? But don't get me started on immigrants who claim and sit on their arses.... I could have a feild day.

This benefits debate is one which gonna go one forever so I'm gonna keep my nose out of this one. I don't wanna be taken the wrong way.

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