I am such a MESS!!


Active Member
Jan 10, 2009
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sorry to bore you with this but i cant stop crying this last two days.

me and OH are falling out in lumps!! he's being awful to me. He's always having a go at me for nothing and im at the bottom of his list of priorities and im sick of it!!

I tried to talk to him last night and he just turned it round saying "its because im pregnant!" His best friend said the same thing.

i've told him i'll leave him if he doesn't start being more supportive.

Now im starting to think, maybe it is me and im being way to sensitive. I feel like im going insane!!

Sorry again, but had to get his off my chest :( :( :(
Awww hun, Im so sorry you're feeling like this :hug:
My OH and I haven't been fighting but he's certainly been annoying at times. I also never seem to do anything right and get critised for everything but I don't think anything's actually changed, I think it's just me and I have a very low tolerance at the moment.

I know a lot of little things are getting on my nerves that I usually wouldn't bother about so in my case a lot of it is hormones.

I have spoken to my OH about how I feel a couple of times, not really about the annoying little things but when he comments on the state of the carpet etc I casually mention that I'm not supposed to be carrying the hoover up & down stairs, or that I didn't see the point in cleaning the bathroom seeing as I had my head down the toilet for most of the day.

At the end of the day my OH comes home to a cooked meal, a reasonably clean house (compared to 'how clean is your house'), three dogs which have all been walked etc so if he wants anything extra doing, he can bloody well do it himself.

Some days I'm really tearful when my OH comes home from work or leaves in the morning and he asks me what's wrong and I just can't explain it, there isn't anything specific, I just feel like a cry.

I don't think men understand that we find everything 'weird' while we're pregnant. Our bodies are going crazy, our mind doesn't work properly blah blah blah.

Just remember - you are right and he is wrong!
Sorry chick :hug: :hug:

My OH is more annoying lately, must be a pregnancy thing :oops:
i sympathise hun. only 2 weeks ago i packed my bag and went to stay with a friend who lives 40miles away for the night cuz OH was driving me insane. i was seriously feeling so low about our relationship but after a chat things are alot better and he understands how i feel, in hindsight alot of it was hormones i think.
Your hormones probably are a factor but then again at the end of the day you are carrying his child around while he just gets an easy ride so he should make an effort to be more accomodating and understanding. Men just have no idea what it feels like to be pregnant... sometimes I think they just want us to be perfectly normal for 9 months and then out pops a baby :doh:

Also, I'd tell his friend to butt out... it's none of his business!!!!!

Hope you feel better soon :hug:
Oh babe I'm really sorry to hear that things are like this.

I have certainly gone through it with my OH and actually finished him for 2 weeks because I couldn't handle the way that I was (or rather WASN'T) feeling about him...

Your partner really needs to understand how you feel and to try and be there for you. As much as I can moan about my boyfriend getting on my nerves, Tuesday night I had came home after a really rubbish driving lesson (or half of as I drove home and said I didn't want to carry on!) and just felt so crap after about 10 days of feeling that way, I walked away from him, got in bed fully clothed and just shut myself away. He left me for a little while and then came in and said he'd cooked my tea and it was there if I wanted it...I stayed in bed...then he came in again a while later to see if I was ok and I just got really upset and told him that I'm feeling really crap and just want to cry etc etc and he was BRILLIANT!

Maybe explaining to your OH exactly how you're feeling and how his actions impact on that would make him think twice before having a go at you.

I truly think that men will never understand how we feel with periods, pregnancy, pmt etc and that's why we have to tell them what it's like and how awful it is to feel so down and sad day in day out.

Good luck hun x x x x
Thank you all so much for your support and advice!! I really appreciate it.

Its been a hard few days. we didn't speak the night after we had talked cos he was working late (probably on purpose so he didn't have to talk about it again). And then last night, he just acted like nothing had happened but was being really nice.

I didn't want to bring it up again cos i dont want to get stressed so i've decided to let it go. He knows how i feel so its now up to him to put it right.

hopefully he will be a bit more supportive now.

Thank you all again, you are all so lovely x
Glad he's making an effort to be nice. Perhaps he realises he's been a bit harsh :hug:
:hug: aww hun men can be pricks and they don't understand how we feel a lot of the time, we can also be a lot more sensitive in pregnancy so it could be a mixture of them both but at least he could give you some lee way considering your carrying his child for god sake!

:hug: hope things and improve xx

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