I am so depressed..


Well-Known Member
Oct 2, 2007
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I just feel sick looking at myself. I look about 6 months pregnant. I have tried doing sit ups every day. I have used my stepping machine. I have tried my ab toner. I am eating healthy, loads of veggies. I just dont know what to do. When I had given birth my belly went right down. I looked better than I do now. My belly just seems to be growing. I stopped taking my pill a month ago to see if that helped but it didnt. I have been weighing myself every day and I am not gaining weight.

I had my first shift back at work yesterday and I was so paraniod. I put a fleece jumper over my uniform hide my belly incase anyone decided to ask me when number 2 was due. :oops:

Is anyone else in the same boat and do you have any suggestions?
Don't worry, I am sure you look alot better than you think, its hard getting used to your new body - mine totally changed shape after number one.

Are you sure this isn't more to do with your self-esteem rather than your actual figure?? What does your other half (if you have one) say??

If all else fails carry that gorgeous bub around everywhere - that'll give you the best work out - dump the pram for a bit.
Thankyou for your reply hun! My other half just tells me hes sick of hearning me moan about the way I look! He says he will love me no matter what I look like which fills me with confidence!

I have bought myself a fitness dvd today and I am going to see if that helps me. I just see people who have had babies with flat tummys when I go out and wonder why I can't be like them. It really gets me down. I knew I was going to have to work at it and it would take time but I didn't realise it would be this long.

I used to be a size 6/8 pre pregnancy and I am now a size 14/16! I have lost some weight but my belly means I have to keep buying large clothes. I am not in proportion what so ever! :wall:
Oh hun, Ive put on four stone..used to be a gym freak, and very proud of my figure.
I tried on jeans today in town so I could get outta my maternity crap.....BIG MISTAKE. I broke down in town (again), Ive gone up three more dress sizes and feel like a bus.
Im going on and on and on about how I look to OH, poor bloke. he says he loves me no matter what but I feel minging. My entire shape has changed (hips are HUGE), and I hate myself.
OH is worried Im anorexic now, he never gets mad but shouted at me today saying "fine then, die and leave Isla without a mum" :shock:

I had self esteem issues to start with now this.... I know its worth it as I have my beautiful daughter, but god I feel depressed :(

Im gonna wii fit it as Im gonna be too embarassed to go to gym :(
just have a frank conversation with your otherhalves (or your mums/sisters/best friends) and explain what you feel is bigger/softer etc and ask their honest opinion - its important that you do this with someone you trust and you explain that you don't just want the standard answer of 'you look fine' but you need to be prepared that you may not like what they say and you can't get mad or upset, it will at least give you an idea if you are being honest with yourself!

The bit about carrying baby is very true and excellent for the tummy muscles, i lived in a 2nd floor flat when my little boy was born so carried him up and down all day - it really helped, as soon as we moved i noticed a real difference.

Most importantly rememeber that your little one doesn't care if mummy doesn't look the same as before!!

PM me if you get worried!!
Thankyou girls you are wonderful! Ninjawomble I hope you feel better soon. :hug: I know what you mean about going to the gym. I wouldn't dare go the way I look now. I have huge stretch marks all over my tummy and all the way down the back of my legs. I can't even face swimming for that reason either. OH says no one will notice stretch marks but hes lying! Its the first thing I would notice if I saw me they are huge and dark red/purple. I don't mind the small thin ones that I have but on my tummy they are huge tears that are like 1cm wide and 5 cm long!

Ill shut up now!
It took nearly a year for my belly to go down the first time and even now it's not flat. As for the stretch marks they don't go but fade to silver so don't look as noticeable xx
I break down all the time about how i look. Today in fact. I swear i keep pushing OH further away. And it doesn't help that he talks to slim, prettier girls. One of which is/was a Max Power model. I keep asking why he's with a fat, ugly, moody cow like me.

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