Feeling so depressed


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2012
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Why do I just feel so fed up right now? I have just returned from holiday so should be ok before the holiday I thought I just needed a break but now I am back I just feel the same.
The tiredness, sickness etc is getting me down. I have so much work to do and I work in a high pressured job where I cant just walk out at the end of the day so I am sat here now trying to do some. However, I have never been particularly great at my job and now I just feel completely useless. I am even thinking about how I am going to feel when I return from maternity leave. I also dont want my baby to be effected once its born by my working levels. I want to be able to spend weekends with my baby and if I have this much work to do I am either going to end up losing my job or end up not being able to spend the time with my baby. Ive tried to get another job before and end up not being able to get the one I want as they see I havent been promoted for a while so would end up taking a £10- 15k pay cut which we just cant afford
Im so behind on general housework, my husband tries to help but it's never the same. I had so many dreams for my house when I bought it but it now needs decorating etc and I just want it done with baby coming but my husband cant do it all and I just dont have any energy.
I find myself sitting here and thinking what am I really good at and so scared I wont be a good mother to my baby due to all the other issues going on.
I know this sounds like a complete moan but I just feel so alone.
Oh Hun I'm really sorry to hear that you feel so down. I totally understand about the work thing I'm already fretting about my workload and going back after maturnity leave and like you I couldn't afford to take a paycut by getting a less time demanding job as I'll aready be taking a cut going to 3 days. BUT as my husband said to me we can't fret or get upset before we even know what'll be like when bubs is here even though it's really hard. If things at work are hard at the at the moment have you told your boss you're pregnant yet? Is there anything they could do to help? Hope that you feel better soon xx
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Sorry you're having a hard time but things may change after the baby's here. I too have a job that puts a lot offers sure on me but have learned to just check out sometimes- you have to to keep yourself sane and healthy! Also whatever happens after your mat leave happens, you may find your priorities have changed!
A friend of mine overworked and stressed throughout her pregnancy and lost her baby. She believes it was down to the job. There are some things that matter and some that don't. You have to look after yourself and find what works for you and your family xx
Thanks girls. No I havent told them as yet but I may do on Tuesday as I have a progress meeting and I feel I may get nagged for being a bit behind/not being my usual self.
My friend at work who does know I am pregnant said exactly the same re my priorities may change when I return after maternity leave. I just dont quite understand it as my priorities at the moment are to keep my job (other than my baby) and whatever happens I am going to need the job once the baby does come.
I'm sorry your feeling so bad :-( it's amazing how overwhelming things can seem sometimes, is there anyone in your work in a similar role who has had children and can give you some advice on how they coped? Don't forget how resilient and strong we women are though and know that things WILL work out... you WILL be fine :-)

Take care

Thanks girls. No I havent told them as yet but I may do on Tuesday as I have a progress meeting and I feel I may get nagged for being a bit behind/not being my usual self.
My friend at work who does know I am pregnant said exactly the same re my priorities may change when I return after maternity leave. I just dont quite understand it as my priorities at the moment are to keep my job (other than my baby) and whatever happens I am going to need the job once the baby does come.

I completely agree, however after bubba comes your work have to support you howler you need supported and work may become less importan or you may decide to work less hours etc.
The main thing is not to put stress on yourself, growing a baby is not easy, it takes a lot out of you. If possible try to be easier on yourself and speak to your boss if it will help. They need to give you support as well. There are laws in place that protect your job and your rights xx

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