I am new to ALL of this


Jul 3, 2008
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Hi All,
I am a newbie here and I would like some advice please if anyone can help?
Ok my story goes......
Been off the pill since sep 07 when Hubby and decided to try, well we said try but didnt want to put any pressure on us so just decided to see what would happen. Up until now, obviously no pregnancy. Its only the last coupld of months we have actually started doing it at the right times etc.
My last period came on the 13th June and it lasted a little longer than usual. I should gace been ovulationing 22-24 June. so we have intercourse on the 22nd and 22rd. Too tired on the 24th heehee
didnt really put too much thought into it until the last couple of days been really really tired. I am also on a stupid shakes diet which can cause this as well tho! but today I have been to the toilet and there is a pinky/browny blood when I wipe, also a bit of discharge and have had a weird pain on my left side pelvic area not a bad pain just a bit weird. Anyway I didnt even know you could have syptoms of implementaion or anything until this happened this morning and I started looking into it on the net. I am pretty clueless about all of this.
So is this a sign that I may be preggers then and is there anything else I can watch out for? Also when is the earliest I can test, dont want to test too early but couldnt stand the long wait till 11/7 when P is due.
Sorry for the long story!! hope someone can give some advice!
Also I have been reading all the posts, could someone let me know what any of the abbreviations mean? I am a bit dim and couldnt understand most of them
again sorry for the longness! look forward to chatting and gettin to know you all.
Love marisa xxx :D
Firstly welcome to the forum...

you have come to the right place to get all your answers... this site has opened my eyes to so much information.. the girls are fab and there is always somebody about when ya need a hug!!!

Ive added a list of the abbreviations for ya!! hope it helps!! it takes abit of get tin used to and used to think people we talking in a different language :lol:


2WW .... two week wait
AF ....... 'Aunt Flo' (menstrual period)
BBS ..... breasts
BBT ..... basal body temperature
BCP ..... birth control pill
BD ....... 'baby-dance' (sexual intercourse)
BFN ..... 'big fat negative' (pregnancy test)
BFP ..... 'big fat positive' (pregnancy test)
BIL ...... brother-in-law
CD ...... cycle day
CM ...... cervical mucus
CP ....... cervical position
DD ...... dear daughter
DH ...... dear husband
DPO .... days past ovulation
DS ...... dear son
EDD .... estimated due date
EWCM .. egg-white cervical mucus
FIL ...... father-in-law
FMU ..... first morning urine
HPT ..... home pregnancy test
IB ....... implantation bleeding
LMP ..... last menstrual period
MC ...... miscarriage
MIL ..... mother-in-law
MS ...... morning sickness
O ........ ovulation
OH ...... other half (partner)
OPK .... ovulation prediction kit
PG ...... pregnant
PMT ..... pre-menstrual tension
SIL ...... sister-in-law
TMI ..... too much information
TTC ..... trying to conceive
UTI ..... urinary tract infection

im sure someone will be able to tell you more about some of you questions as im no expert at it yet!!! but you could have been feeling implantation pains and the blood could be implantation bleeding!!!! fingers crossed for you hunni also try not to symptom spot cause it will drive you mad!!! :lol:

sending you lots of baby dust!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hi there
Thank you so much for the lovely reply! must have took u ages to write this - hope you have them saved somewhere or something!
thats fab thank u!
yes I know I can get quite obsessed with things, trying not to think about it at all but hard not too!
Love the baby dust!!!

oh and I take it you like the killers :lol:

thanks again and take care. Im sure we will chat more!

love all these abbreviations they are so funny!
AF ha ha ha ha
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Your more then welcome darling, I know I didnt understand them when i first arrived here.. I have to warn you tho that this forum is very very addictive :lol:

Symptom spotting, we are all guilty of it not matter how hard you try not to!!!

I have my moments where im very obsessed but thats not good for TTC and we have to remember that :lol: (easier said then done)

yeah I love the killers... keeps me sane :lol:

some of the abbreviations are great and I promise ya will get used to them all :lol:

Look forward to getting to know you better hun and in the nicest way possible I hope your not in the TTC section for long

:hug: :hug: :hug:
:wave: Hi looks like Mrs Brightside has looked after you just wanted to say Hi and welcome.
Hi Marisa :wave:

Hope you don't have too long a wait in here... we all want out :pray:

Just shout if you have any questions xx
good luck trying... hope it's quick for you now you've strated really trying.
Hey everyone! Lovely to meet you all to! :lol:
Thanks for all the lovely comments and hopefully we all wont be chatting on here for too long!!
Good Luck to you all.

I love this term - BABYDUST!! to you! :hug:
good luck hunny it won't take you long to feel at home here.

sounds like it could be implantation bleeding, all the best you get your BFP soon xx
Welcome to the mad house :wave: :rotfl: Yep, we're all mad TTCers, but we're also very helpful when possible. Enjoy your stay here :wave: Good luck TTC :hug:
Hi, Good luck, I hope you get your BFP very soon.

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