I am nervous....

Ish I have absolutely no idea what's the English word and I couldn't find on google translate. Get your mum with you when you go shopping she will be able to point you out which one is the Gris?
We are pathetic aren't we lol?
It took me all of 3 years to realise mamaliga was polenta *facepalm*
Well lucky you because I have yet to find out how that is in Norwegian lol...i lost any hope that they even have mamaliga here...
I mixed the baby rice with a little fruit purée straight away.

Sophie hates the jarred foods.
Baby rice didn't go down well with cam either, why so many babies hate it and they still sell it I dunno :eh: someone must like it!
Thomas hated rice loved rusks he also had the baby porridge and cauliflower and broccoli cheese, fruits etc def mix puréed fruits with the rice though and Ella's kitchen are good also plum puréed foods as well there's so much more now than when Thomas was a baby I'm well jel lol also a good way to wean is in a bouncer chair so they can make eye contact with you etc fab for weaning x


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