I am bleeding heavy..........

ohi hope everything is ok :(
i get all upset at posts like this :( :(
I am off to A&E, I am just going to get ready..........I will let you know as soon as I am back home how it went!!!

Thank you all again for your help & replies, you are ALL great!!! Wish me luck :hug: :hug: xxxxxxxx
Tam if you need anyone gimme a shout or PM me if you want some one to text xxx
I've only just seen this too, I am so glad you have gonne to A&E. I hope all is ok :hug:
Thinking about you Tam and hoping everything is ok.
Let us know how you get on.
Lucy x :hug:
Only just spotted this, hope all is well at A&E, thinking of youxxxxx
Tam said:
hevwithbump said:
oh no :(

i had a heavy bleed at 16 weeks and i was in pain etc but all was ok :) i hope all is ok for you you hunny xxxx

Did you bleed heavy babe and pass clots?!?! Sorry hun :hug: xx

Glad everything is well tho :hug: xx

i had a couple of small clots but alot of heavy bleeding
hope you are ok tam.
Perhaps she stayd in overnight or something.
maybe they kept her in and are going to scan her this morning
thinking of you tam hun :hug: xxxx
I hope all is ok tam let us know how things went -xx- :hug:
Sorry just picked this thread up?

Any news yet? How far along is she?
Only just seen this, sorry Tam. :hug: I hope everything is okay and they have managed to give you a scan. :hug:

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