I am bleeding heavy..........


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2006
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Hi girls,

As the title suggests I have been bleeding quite heavy today for about the last 4 or 5 hours........I have passed a couple of big clots but have no pain.

I have been to the Doctor's and she said, I have to rest and if I get any pain or the bleeding gets uncontrollable then I have to ring the surgery again, meanwhile I will be waiting for the hospital to ring me in the morning to arrange a scan for the morning!

Have any of you had this before and continued to carry or do you know of anyone that had a similar thing?!

I am obviously worried and I am praying that tomorrow I see my baby is still there happy and oblivious to all this!! :pray: :pray: :pray:

Sorry to put a dampner on the happy vibe :hug: xx
Hope everything turns out ok hun,will be thinking of you :hug: xx
Dont be silly, your not putting a damper on anything babes :hug:

So sorry to hear your bleeding, that must be so worrying for you.

If its any consolation I had a friend that bled nearly every day of her pregnancy and her son was ok.

Please let us know and keep us updated as to how you get on.

Be thinking of you xxx
oh no :(

i had a heavy bleed at 16 weeks and i was in pain etc but all was ok :) i hope all is ok for you you hunny xxxx
aw hun, i'm thinking about you and LO, good luck for your scan tomorrow, i'm sure everything will be ok xxxx
Thank you all :hug: :hug:

Jaidybaby & Hev, you have given me a little bit of hope.........I just hope I can follow and be carrying a healthy baby :pray: :pray:

Thanks again for your replies girls :hug: :hug: xx
Tam said:
Thank you all :hug: :hug:

Jaidybaby & Hev, you have given me a little bit of hope.........I just hope I can follow and be carrying a healthy baby :pray: :pray:

Thanks again for your replies girls :hug: :hug: xx

just rest as much as you can hun xxxx

p.s have do done anything straining today or sex????
:hug: Aww hun i'm sorry just rest loads and keep us updated
Am thinking about you :hug:
Oh hun im sorry you must be out of your mind with worry.

My mam bleed everyday for months when she had my youngest brother and he is now a 6ft 2, 19 year old.
Yes hun, just rest up and relax :)

Sending you positive thoughts :hug:
Hiya hun

I bleed at 13 weeks and everything was fine, just relaxed tonight and try not to worry :hug:

thinking of u :hug:
hevwithbump said:
Tam said:
Thank you all :hug: :hug:

Jaidybaby & Hev, you have given me a little bit of hope.........I just hope I can follow and be carrying a healthy baby :pray: :pray:

Thanks again for your replies girls :hug: :hug: xx

just rest as much as you can hun xxxx

p.s have do done anything straining today or sex????

We did have sex last night, but we have had that loads since I have become PG :oops: I think that has been my craving :rotfl:
Sorry if this is TMI, but last night I was :puke: I really did strain myself....and I did think of that today?! I just hope that is the case, I am really debating A&E, but I have no pain at all, which I am taking as a good thing................if I still pass clots tongiht & tomorrow and they scan me tonight, will I be worrying about the clots I have since passed?!?!?! Oh I don't know, all I want is for it all to be OK :pray: :pray: :pray:

Thank you all for your replies girls, you have made me feel better.....there is nothing better than talking to people who are in the same boat or know how you would panic as we are all hoping for the same outcome.......healthy bouncing babies :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
sophie27 said:
Hiya hun

I bleed at 13 weeks and everything was fine, just relaxed tonight and try not to worry :hug:

thinking of u :hug:

Hi babe, thank you for replying, glad everything was fine for you.........did you bleed heavy and pass clots (sorry, you don't have to answer).....

:hug: xx
If you feel really worried hunny, go to A&E. You never know you may get scanned sooner than you think!! Also they may put your mind at rest.

As for the sickness, you may well have strained but I dont think it would affect you in a way as to make you bleed down there.

If you know your not going to sleep tonight due to worry and your in pain and you feel awful id go to A&E.

Best of luck xxx
hevwithbump said:
oh no :(

i had a heavy bleed at 16 weeks and i was in pain etc but all was ok :) i hope all is ok for you you hunny xxxx

Did you bleed heavy babe and pass clots?!?! Sorry hun :hug: xx

Glad everything is well tho :hug: xx
JaidyBaby said:
If you feel really worried hunny, go to A&E. You never know you may get scanned sooner than you think!! Also they may put your mind at rest.

As for the sickness, you may well have strained but I dont think it would affect you in a way as to make you bleed down there.

If you know your not going to sleep tonight due to worry and your in pain and you feel awful id go to A&E.

Best of luck xxx

Thanks babe, I am really thinking about doing that!!!!! I will see how I go in the next hour I think......... :hug: xx
aw hun i really hope everything is ok for you lots of :hug: :hug: and good luck!

cas xx
Hi Hun I replied in your other thread, but I bled alot with Damien all the way through first trimester, heavy at one point wih a couple of clots so don't panic.
Get yourself to A&E if you're worrying, seruiously. How are you though, please don't stress too much, there are lots of reasons why women bleed. Mine was the lining of my uterus coming away and Damien is still here.

:hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
Hiya hun

sorry i didnt reply earlier, i dont mind answering if it helps ya

i did bleed heavy but there was no clots :hug:

really hope everything is ok for u babes

go and relax :hug: :hug: xx :hug: :hug:

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