Hypnobirthing CDs and 'birth' music


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2011
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My SIL lent me her hypnobirth cd and relaxing birthing music cd, but omg I want to kill the paronising American woman on the cd after one listen! :wall2: Does anyone know which cd I could try with a British accent? I really like the idea of hypnobirthing but I'm one of those people who giggles in yoga classes etc so starting to wonder if I have the right mind set for this relaxing type stuff!

The 'birth' music was terrible, as a metal head I think I may struggle with 'relaxing' music, maybe Marilyn Manson will get me through, plenty of swearing anyway! :shock: Any ideas out there or should I bin the who idea now?
I had Eminem CD when I had Joshua and one of the midwives made a very sarcastic comment..... Its my labour so she could just F Off LOL.....

I too laugh at yoga and have got giggles listening to relaxing CDs etc - I would just take the Marilyn Manson CD with you - go with instinct!
I used to listen to a bit of Marilyn every night to fall asleep to when i was 14, so maybe it isn't such a bad idea?! I really don't like the 'nice, calm, relaxing' music either lol! My bag contains a bit of Jimi Hendrix, Pink Flloyd and Metallica and i do have some classical as well so i'm prepared either way.
I didn't do the class but I bought the natal hypnotherapy which is the British version of it. I truly believe it helped me in labour, it helped me concentrate on my breathing and that is the most important thing to do!! I was induced on the drip too and I only had gas and air x x
Like Eilish I used Natal hypnotherapy too - I would reccomend it to anyone! xx
I have the Natal Hypnotherapy cd, it's good x
Ive got the Katharine Graves one, i downloaded it off itunes and its brilliant x x

Oooooh Princess you got? How are you getting on with it hun?

Samsgirl that it the right one yes. I would also recommend the book too as it has chapters on preparing your birth partner and extra relaxation ideas which I and my oh found really helpful.

I have the Natal Hypnotherapy cd too. I've only listened to it twice but found it very relaxing and it kind of made me feel a bit "spaced out" which i imagine will be quite good for when i'm in labour!?! I did have a bit of a giggle to myself the first time i listened to it but i got into it in the end!
I've got the hypnobirthing American one and the natalhypnobirthing British one and I much prefer the British one its a lot less irritating to listen to and I can relax to it, done it about 10 times now and its easier everytime, first few times were a bit giggly and I got distracted but I can get into it now. Had a bit of pain walking round shop today and tried using the breathing and comfort dial and it did help a bit and I wasn't even in a relaxed state!! I've got my own relaxing birth music as I know what relaxes me, I've got a strange mixture including traditional Chinese music as my relaxing place I visualize is the 5* spa I went to in hongkong so that music takes me straight there in my head!! so I'd say if marilyn manson does it for you then go for it!! Think of what music you'd have on your ipod while relaxing on a beach!
Everyone has different ways of relaxing, including music! So if u feel most comfortable with mm I'd go for it!! If your worried what others will think just use ur headphones to drown them out!! Eminem would probably work best for me I'd have to use my headphones thought as OH has a totally different taste of music!!
Im the exact same was thinking of trying http://www.hypnobirthing.com/default.htm

and taking the class but its so not my kind a music and im also a giggler but something tells me i wont be giggling in labout haha

think il give anything a go that might help as I cant have a epidural or spinal
I got the natal birthing one, it came today so I'll try it later.
Miss - which book did you use to go with it?
Thanks miss I found it. I listened to the cd last night, it's really good, strange but it made me cry to start with! Hope that don't happen every time I listen to it!
Glad you found it hun.

I can't say the cd made me cry lol bless you and those hormones!

my OH only managed to listen to the cd once as he always fell asleep - I will never forget his face the day he told me there was an oak tree lol this was 3 months after I first bought the cd's lol

I was going to sell the cd's and book but I can't bare to part with it just incase! X
I was rather hormonal yesterday lol! My OH away is just now so hasn't heard it, I'm sure he will probably take the piss when he hears it, he don't really 'get' anything alternative!
I got my oh to listen to it once so we could take notes about certain triggers etc so he would know what to do, but after listening to it he seems quite keen to try it to relax as he thinks it might help him not freak out during labour bless!! Just haven't had the time to do it yet as I tend to listen during the day when he's at work as I fall asleep if I do it on an evening!
I feel so chilled out about the thought of labour so I'm sure its working :)
Hopefully he will give it a go, he does like classical music so maybe he will think it's relaxing too, esp after a coulpe of beers! I've found even with just the one listen and reading up a lot I'm not scared about labour at all, even with friends horror stories!

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