

Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2017
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has anyone experienced it?
does it really help? I'm super intrigued by it and want my birth to be as calm as it possibly can be!
any stories, suggestions, links etc will be much appreciated :D
My friend did it and said it was great. She got a hypnobirthing book online quite cheap by Marie Mongan, my midwife also recommended one by Katherine Graves called The hypnobirthing Book.

I can’t afford to pay for actual classes but I might see if I can find the books really cheap online second hand.

I’m terrified of giving birth so feel like I should try everything that I can afford!
I definitely want to get a book or two. a friend of mine had an awful first Labour but did hypnobirthing second time and said she had a wonderful experience. she said she was super relaxed and the whole thing was really empowering/euphoric

I try to have an open mind about it all but there's no harm in doing some reading
Yes definitely! I'm trying to be positive this time as my second was slightly better than my first but I lost a power struggle with the midwives, so I want to try and be as relaxed as I possibly can be, let me know if you find the link for the books! X
The Marie Mongan book is on amazon for very cheap plus delivery - second hand so assuming t won’t have any CD etc but that doesn’t bother me personally. The Katherine Graves one is more expensive but I just googled it and it came up online in a few places :)
I used the Maggie Howell book and CD during my first pregnancy (so over 5 years ago)

It didn't work for me in actual labour but I felt very calm beforehand and believe it helped me manage a natural delivery despite an epic 50+ hour labour.

I have gone on to have two much easier labours - both less than 90 minutes - and both on just G&A with no tears or grazes [basically text book labours]. I used the techniques I learned but wouldn't say I had mastered them? I wasn't able to go off to my happy place but I was able to have relatively calm labours.
Maggie Howell is UK based, I found the Marie Mongan book more applicable to the US. Was still an interesting read though.
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Awww I just clicked the link Netty and it made me cry :cry:looking back i was far too nice about the midwives :lol:
I used Maggie Howell too, I thought she was really good and I will certainly be doing it again when I have another.
aww bless you! Just looking at the pics of Cam and can't believe he was ever that small! What a squishy little bean he was!
I know :love: and then turned onto that crazy toddler :shock:
I plan to try hypnobirthing this time! I wanted to with my little girl but never got around to it. I had a pretty horrendous birth with her so I am hoping hypnobirthing will help this time around!
I'm planning on going down this route.

My hospital offer 2 Hypobirthing sessions for the price of £10. I also get a book and a CD for an extra £11.95. The course is very busy, I had to sign up at my booking appointment and then go on a waiting/cancellation list, I couldn't believe it when they emailed to say I had a place as the other one near me is £270.

My first session is next Saturday so I will let you know how it goes. I have done a lot of meditation in the past and I've bought a few books from amazon. I'm hoping it works :)
I used the Katherine Graves book to educate myself the Maggie Howell for the actual labour tracks. Unfortunately I was so relaxed with it that I hadn’t realised I was as far along as I was. There are 3 tracks to get you through the beginning, middle and pushing stage of labour. I was still on the first track when baby came. All happened very quickly and far less painful than without it. Didn’t stop me tearing though.
I’m hoping to have a VBAC and I’ll be following the hypnobirthing course by the positive birthing company x

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