Hypno Birthing any good?


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2012
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So ive bought a downloadable Hypno birthing audio thing from amazon .

Any one recommend them? do they help?

I used the Maggie Howell CD's and read her book.

On the day it didn't help at all. BUT I did manage a natural delivery after 51 hours of labour and the MW's were very surprised so maybe some of it did sink in?

On the plus side I had no fear about labour and no worries leading up to giving birth. I was calm and positive - the natal hypnotherapy def helped in that respect!

I will be using it again this time

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Id read the book first, I wasn't really bothered about the actual hypnotherapy but the theory behind it all and the history of birth stuff really helped! Made me realise that women have been and still are, giving birth naturally without appearing in extreme "pain" and how fear is the precipitating factor to pain! It also helped my partner focus me (he didn't read it or anything but I showed him a part that spoke about how you can lose your head and need someone to focus you) my labour was quick, 6 hours from start to finish with contraction one on top of another after 45 minutes sleep. I did it with has and air and honestly went into it with an open mind and came out feeling like it wasn't the worse thing in the world! Hypno birthing book helps you look upon it as the natural process that it is xxx
I have the maggie Howells cd and love it. Not tried it in labour yet because baby refuses to come out, I think I might be an elephant with a 2 year gestation period. I find it really relaxes me and I've been very positive and chilled out all the way through, I have no fear of labour at all and I'm quite looking forward to it!
I listened to it throughout the pregnancy. Honestly in labour everything went out the window! But I was calm all the way thro even when it ended up in forceps I was still calm. If I'm honest u do just deal with what's coming at the time and u don't think about anything apart from getting thro each contraction. I ended up with epidural but that was the best decision for me x
I love hypnothearopy I have over come my needle phobia through it but reading a book at listening to a cd really isn't going to help, you need to have sessions with a therapist!
I havnt used it for birth yet ( hopefully any day lol) but it has gotten me through pregnancy it relives stress and I can't recommend enough!
I loved it! Did sessions with a lady who'd just done her training and wanted ladies to get experience with, so she didn't charge us. I did have the Marie Mongan CD and book too. I used to fall asleep every night to the CD, never consciously heard much of it :lol:

My birth ended up far away from what the "natural" hypnobirthing ideal is, but the techniques I learnt were amazing at keeping me calm, and even though it was a car crash on paper, my husband and I remember the events being very controlled and no panic at all.

Definitely worth a go, what do you have to lose?
I had the M Howell too. Forgot my name along with the CD and everything else on the day. But it's nice and soothing and makes you feel like you're doing something which might end up helping, you never know.
This is interesting. Iv had two babies so far, the first i was terrified of labour, but was quite calm on the day, and my second just over a year ago, i was a complete nervous wreck and definately panicking and was quite traumatised by the whole experience. I definately think my fear made my perception of pain a lot worse, as i did manage with only gas and air, and delivered her naturally, no stitches. This time i have thought about hypobirthing, purely just to learn how to keep calm...think i may give it a go x
I used the m howell cd, I found It did help on the day and regulated my breathing, in fact I was so calm at the start I thought I had trapped wind rather than contractions!
I attended a hypnobirthing course, I didn't really work for me, the only thing that helped during labour was the breathing techniques. I think maybe that I should have practiced more though...and I guess it didn't help that I was induced either.
For those of you who used the Maggie Howell book/CD - did you have to buy them separately or do they come as a set? Or does the book come with the CD? I'm looking for a friend but it's hard to tell on Amazon whether you get both or have to order separately. Is the book the same as the CD (word-for-word) or are there differences? Would you recommend both? Thank you!! xx
The cd comes with a leaflet I don't think you need the book, the cd does it all
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For those of you who used the Maggie Howell book/CD - did you have to buy them separately or do they come as a set? Or does the book come with the CD? I'm looking for a friend but it's hard to tell on Amazon whether you get both or have to order separately. Is the book the same as the CD (word-for-word) or are there differences? Would you recommend both? Thank you!! xx

The CD's are "techniques", so you use them to relax.

The book has a lot of background information about labouring / birth.

Personally I found the book more helpful as it explained why fear is counterproductive to labour, why and how birth has become such a medicalised process (when it needn't be) and all that kind of stuff. I found that part fascinating personally.

Yes the CD's relaxed me but I never truly got the visualisation techniques. The book however really stuck with me!

Thank you!! Think I'll just get her both. She'll either learn something she didn't know or think I'm a raging hippy and completely bonkers - who knows! Would you think it was weird to get these as a gift? Should I forget it and get her something else / just recommend it and leave her to it? xx
Hmmm, I maybe wouldn't get these as a gift if she hasn't expressed any interest in them?

It could seem a bit "pushy" if that makes sense? I mean most women say they want a natural birth but to actually be given a book / CD's about it may come across as a bit full on?

I would whole heartedly recommend it though - as I do :lol: :lol:

Hmmm, I maybe wouldn't get these as a gift if she hasn't expressed any interest in them?

It could seem a bit "pushy" if that makes sense? I mean most women say they want a natural birth but to actually be given a book / CD's about it may come across as a bit full on?

I would whole heartedly recommend it though - as I do :lol: :lol:


She hasn't outright mentioned them but she's a bit hippy-ish in other ways - has a pregnancy book about old wives tales / loves all the random theories, etc and is reading up on lots of alternative parenting bits and bobs. I might just mention this and play it safe. Thanks for the advice xx

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