Birthing pool


Well-Known Member
Oct 27, 2011
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Does anyone have any experiance of birthing pools, this is my first and I want to have her in a birthing center if all goes well, this is party because it my local Maternity ward (40 min drive away, i Live in the middle of nowhere) is under govenment investigation after 15 mothers and babies have died in the last few years due to malpractice and midwives and doctors have been destroying medical records to try and coer there backs and the next hospital is about an hours drive away, and partly becausea few friends have had a really good experance there. However because it is a birthing centre I cant have an epidural if I want one so I was looking at having a birthing pool to try and help with the pain but I dont know anyone who has used one do they work or are they just a waste of time?

Any views would be great :)
Hey hun, I haven't had one myself and this is my plan too (providing I don't have to be induced- I'm already overdue and I know my hospital doesn't let u use the pool if u r)......but I just wanted to say that I have read some past threads on here and other experiences on the internet.....can't really remember a negative story about using a pool! It is difficult becoz u wont know how it'll be for u until u get in but I would say if u find hot baths comforting then u would prob like the pool?

Anyways, sorry that's not a huge amount of help but I wanted to say that I really don't think I've heard more than 1 or 2 stories where the mum didn't find the pool helpful!

Hope u get the birth u want hun xxxx
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IV still got a while to decide but definatly leaning towards the pool, I hope all goes ok with you fingers crossed you don't have to be induced and eveything goes the way you planned
Spoke to my sister yesterday who had both hers in a pool. She said it was great. You feel like the weight has been taken off you a bit, it helps support you and it feels enclosed and I guess more private which surely helps you relax. She has her own one and used it for home births both times.
Hi, I had my second in a pool and it was brill, i,d defo recommend it. The water was nice and warm which helped me relax and it takes your weight which made the pain easier to cope with. I,ll be having another this time round if possible.
I had use of the birthing pool in hospital and it was amazing, the heat of the water helps with contractions but due to complications i had to be taken out of it and i felt the difference with my contractions straight away, but i would have loved to have had my ds in the pool.
I used a birthing pool for the start of my labour (was going to use it for the entire thing but I ended up having to go into the main maternity unit due to complications). I loved the pool, infact I got quite stroppy with the midwife when she tried to move me!! I definately felt it helped me as it was far more painful out of the water x
I loved the pool. Definitely helped me with the contractions and also to relax. I actually gave birth to my LO in one :)

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