Hungry baby?


Well-Known Member
Sep 7, 2012
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Oh my god today has been hell! My little girl has had tantrum alllll day non stop! She's a big baby and so greedy she wolfs her bottle down and takes in so much air and we have to wind her mid bottle and she screams and then wolfs more and then stops as its hurting her and I dunno if she's crying as she's hungry or because she's windy! It's a nightmare! She's like in a frenzy!!!! We just can't stop her! On top of it all me and Greg been arguing all day. The only time she was asleep today was when we went for walk outside but she started crying straight when we stopped the pram! She has hardly slept too so could be over tiredness? Today had been a real task...I even had a cigarette! Sooo hard!!!!!

Saying also calms her so we have music on now and she's calm. Phew...some quietness! Lol.

Any tips? Before I pull my hair out lol xxx

Tapatalking so I can't see sigs x
Sling was a saving grace for me. You might want to look into anti colic bottles or infacol? (for wind)

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Just wondering when you mention that she takes the bottle quickly, would it help at all feeding her more often? She might not be as hungry and willing to take it so quickly. Does she cry for her feed? I find with my son by the time he's crying for it, he's really hungry and takes a while to settle even after being fed. I used to try and get him to go 4 hours between feeds, but he's a lot more settled if I feed him every 3 to 3 and a half hours.

It is sometimes really hard to work out what's wrong with them! To be honest, the heat doesn't help either and I've found my son has been a bit grumpier this week cos of it! Just keep running through the list of things it could be is the best thing to do. Even now at almost 3 months I'll still be trying to work it out sometimes!
What milk is she on Hun? J was the same on the SMA gold and I actually heard his wee windy tummy rumbling away whilst eating then he'd cry but I changed him to stage one cow and gate he has had no wind problems since he actually winds himself and has done since I changed him when he was little. He doesn't like you taking out the bottle to wind mid way he goes mental so he gets his whole bottle then I sit him and he winds himself - even if I tried to wind him mid way he would scream which obv makes it hard to wind as taking in more air lolol xxxx
Also at night when feeding try sitting in the dark, I used an app on the iPad which saved me called relax and it plays all the calming noises like sea side etc but u can customise the noises with it. J loved it sent him right off when I fed him with the relax on and the light out xxxxx
What teats are you using Jen?? They took a little getting used to, but I put J on size 2 and despite initial dribbling, he now feeds from them really well and doesn't gulp too much at all.

Do you have an IPhone? I downloaded a free app called Relax Melodies and J loves the nature sounds...if Anna likes music, try her with this! xxx
What teats are you using Jen?? They took a little getting used to, but I put J on size 2 and despite initial dribbling, he now feeds from them really well and doesn't gulp too much at all.

Do you have an IPhone? I downloaded a free app called Relax Melodies and J loves the nature sounds...if Anna likes music, try her with this! xxx

Speaking of teats we changed to vari flow.

Also this app is the one I mentioned, life saver isn't it? I use it myself in the bath xxxx
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That app is brilliant, one of my mummy friends can't do without it! Love the rain storm sounds :) xx
Me too!

I've mentioned it to a few on here Infact I named a thread after it when J was little. I used to put on immersed and under water and the little music box although it got him to sleep the music box was sooo irritating it was like an ice cream van over and over again lolol xxxx
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We had/have major probs with colic. We bought dr browns bottles and teats which wer fab n used infacol to begin with and also a sling! Is it possibke she coukd gave silent reflux? X

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
Thanks for all the advice girls. Hope I don't miss we
She is on aptamil, size 2 teats as she was much worse on size 1 lol, what's signs of silent reflux? She is hardly ever sick and if she is she eats it and never gives it up. She's only ever been sick twice and it wasn't THAT much...a handful lol.
Oooo app sounds good I'll get that. We have had iPad playing that song over and over again all night and set alarm for every 3 hours to feed her but she's still quiet and calm and suddenly knees come up and she's screaming and making a straining sound. Poor little lady...I feel so bad :(
Ooo and we have her on infacol ATM but when 1 month old I'll try some gripe water to see if that helps at all.
I have heard dr browns bottles are amazing, was thinking of trying them. Xxx

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Dr browns are a bit of a faf but well worth it! They dnt have to b sick to have reflux tgey can have silent reflux which is where they seem to b in pain arching back, screaming been funny during feeds. Colic n silent reflux often go hand in hand. Ella has both. Ella was on size 2 teats early which really helps as she wasnt frantically sucking as much. If u decide to buy dr browns buy tge bigger bottle as tge 4oz ones dnt last long as tgey increase their feeds so quickly. I have 6 sat upstairs x infacol stopped working for ella n she was put on colief by gp she also takes gaviscon x

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
Oh u can give two doses of infacol per feed xx

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
variflow teats, wind 2 or even 3 times during feed, i did tho my lg did not appreciate it lol for the first couple of months it was necessary as she got windy and had a touch of reflux. slings are great and i always rocked her to sleep in her pram with a playlist on my mobile phone, it was the only way she would sleep, try and get her to sleep for some time at least once every 3 hours if possible, more would be better but thats generally a good aim. at this age they dont know when their tired and fight it then get really upset as they feel crap and tired
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We switched to MAM anti colic bottles after a month - they are amazing. With that and Infacol we barely had any problems. My lo was the same, a real greedy guts bless her! I only ever managed three hours between feeds, and my lo would cluster feed in the evening and take loads in over a 3 hour period.
J had silent reflux. He was never ever sick. He just cried all the time when put down flat and crying at the teat arching his back then he would over eat to sooth the pain and end up bunged up. Silent reflux isn't nice xxxxx
Hmmm I don't think it's silent reflux. She does cry at the teat when she's gulped it and I can feel it hit her belly so I just take bottle away and wind her for ages until she calms down. I was thinking, would changing formula help? I hear cow and gate is quite creamy so might be better if she's not gulping?
Anyone know of a creamier/thicker formula? Xxx

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Ella uses cow and gate. We recently moved onto hungry baby milk which is much thicker x

Ella Faith 8/2/13 8lb 13.5 oz x
I found the stage one cow and gate the best for J we used the anti collic and hungry baby and both bunged him up if anything... Plus I dnt think baby is hungry enough yet from what your saying to be switched onto such a thick milk. Maybe try her with the cow and gate stage 1 see how she goes..

Oh and j still gulps to this day lol, he can finish a 7oz bottle in under 10 mins sometimes and he won't let me wind him. If you wind whilst they'r crying it just gives them more wind because they'r crying and taking in more air lol it's a circle xxxxx

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