Hugs for Tracey2

:hug: :hug: :hug: lots of hugs Tracey hun take it easy thank god all is ok with bubs.
Oh, poor thing! Glad baby is ok and hope you feel a lot better soon, Tracey!
happy_chick said:
Tracey had a bump on the head earlier today and started feeling dizzy, sick and her head hurt so her OH was taking her to the hospital and she passed out in the car.

He has just text me to let me know that Tracey is fine, she has concusion and they are keeping her in overnight just to keep an eye on her. Baby is good & has a good strong heartbeat!

Phew Tracey, u gave us a fright!!!

Lots of hugs, hope your feeling better very soon!

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

feel better soon tracey :hug:
OMG Trace...try going a week without a crisis..get plenty rest and take good care

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
God lord Trace!! You are defo going through the mill aint ya??!!! :shock: Your poor love :hug: :hug:

Hope you are ok, and resting.

Hugs and kisses from me and the Rubsterxxxxxxxxx
Ah thank you all i really wasnt expecting all these messages thank you so much, thank you Jo. :hug: :hug:

As just explained had a trip yesterday getting out of car then all i can remember is feeling a little sick and dizzy then next thin i knew i woke up in hosp, i think OH said i had passed out in car, dont remember that. :shock:

I was kept in and observed for the night and was allowed home bout 7.30 this morning i couldnt wait to get out of there, since getting home all iv done is sleep most of day, im still in bed at mo, but my headache has pretty much gone now.

Again thank you for all the messages :hug: :hug:

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