huggies wipes


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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i used hughes wipes on james a while back when he was a few weeks old i think and they tore when i got them out of the packaging, so i email huggies and said wheat had happened and that i wouldn't be using their wipes again but liked their nappies and they have sent me £15 in vouchers :shock::shock::shock: so i will now be stocking up on huggies nappies lol xxx
gonna do this with pampers had 2 of their nappies now that when I have pulled the tab it has come off meaning I can't use the nappy and yes Lili maybe I should tell huggies their nappies leak too!!!
i also had that with papers so emailed them but i am still awaiting a reply for that, lilelephant i think you should i didn't expect the vouchers lol i just wanted to make them aware i thought the wipes were shite lol xx
If companies don't know there's a problem they can't make amends. It always pays to complain, well done hun xxxxxxx
They are! I just thought we wont be buying these again. Never thought about complaining

I was pampers loyal (wipes & nappies) with 1st LO so said i'd do same with Kayden, but when he was born my aunt went & bought absolutely loads of huggies stuff wipes & nappies. The nappies were as they were 7 years ago, really leaky, and the wipes ripped. I mistakenly picked up huggies wipes last week (totally forgot i hated them) and even opened the pack...when i took one it ripped, tried ripped & i realised it was huggies...i was like...grrrrrrrrr...not good for an explosive nappy

theyre ok if your gentle with them, they are just basically thick damp toilet paper lol. i got a box of them cos they were on offer and i think theyre ok and useable. i do thing the johnsons ones are the shiz cos theyre so soft and fabric feeling and smell lush but i cant justify the price if theres offers or cheaper so its asdas own for me once these huggies are gone
Glad I'm not the only one! I hate them! I think The texture is disgusting and I find it impossible to only pull one out of he packet and then they rip anyway! Shocking!

I bought a box of 12 coz they were on offer but I only use them to wipe her face and hands Im sticking to pampers and johnsons for her tushy!
I hate huggies too they're too wet for harry so I use asda's own now I find johnsons are good but sumtimes can be a bit dry and the same with pampers! Harrys still in little angels nappies because they don't leak at all, huggies used to leak as soon as he did a wee or a poo and pampers weren't too bad but once they were really full they tended to leak, asda stuff is awesome! :)
Do not like huggies wipes at all. They're nappies are ok but not very good for night-time if your LO sleeps for a long time!
I emailed huggies and said about the nappies - to which I got a whole £9 voucher. Suppose its not everyday you get something for complaining but I wont change my mind on the nappies.

I think the wipes are fine but I have also found that they tear easily too...

Yeay for compo!!!

I hate Huggies wipes too, and I forgot on got a 12 pack in the asda event. I don't like them because they are really cold and wet. I prefer pampers, johnsons or asdas own wipes
They had 2 boxes for £8 in sainsburys last week. Thankgod oh wasn't with me and They wouldn't fit in the buggy Then. Was even gonna go back and get them when my mum came back But kept forgetting x

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I'm going to complain about their leaky nappies & rubbish wipes. We've got 2 big boxes of their nappies we bought before Isaac was born & now dont know what to do with them. Only problem with them sending vouchers is then you have to buy more of their rubbish nappies & wipes!!
I love huggies wipes :) nice and thick something to hold on too! Only find occasional ones rip! Don't like other wipes cos they seem to slippy for me! Don't like the nappies! Always leaked with my boys! Pampers nappys all the way! I have complained to both huggies(about leaky nappies) and pampers(about tabs coming off) and got loads of vouchers! It's a wonder they make any money lol
I love johnsons wipes :) best. Just using our stock of pampers and huggies up tho!

i love john sons and pampers wipes as well in morrisons johnsons are on offer for £1 a pack!!!! also you can spend the huggies vouchers on andrew products as well if you don't like huggies products, i received my email back from pampers as well and they are also sending me some vouchers!!!! i will post how much when i receive them xxx

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