Biodegradable Wipes?


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2007
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I've been trying to use biodegradable wipes as much as poss, I use cloth nappies and Nature Babycare disposables at night.

My question is, are non biodegradable wipes really bad for the environment in the same way that disposable nappies are? It's just they are so expensive! I've not really heard alot of debate for wipes in the same way reusable / disposable nappies are discussed.

I know I could do the reusable wipes thing but its just not practical for me at the moment.

Any thoughts would be appreciated!
I'm not sure, I'm another one who only uses biodegradable ones really.

I try to get them with my Boots points or buy them from Mothercare when they are 2 for £4 and stock up (Natures Babycare). Or I recently discovered a green pack, can't remember what they are called from Sainsburys and they are £1.99 a pack, free of all the scary stuff and biodegradable and if you wait til Sainsburys have their 1/3 off baby stuff, then stock up, then they are very cheap (much wetter then Natures Babycare though)!

The other trick I do, is to try and be very economical with their use! 1 wipe for a pee and 2 for a poo, unless its horrendous - doesn't always work, but I try! OH uses about 19 per nappy change though :roll: !

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
I'm not sure, I'm another one who only uses biodegradable ones really.

I try to get them with my Boots points or buy them from Mothercare when they are 2 for £4 and stock up (Natures Babycare). Or I recently discovered a green pack, can't remember what they are called from Sainsburys and they are £1.99 a pack, free of all the scary stuff and biodegradable and if you wait til Sainsburys have their 1/3 off baby stuff, then stock up, then they are very cheap (much wetter then Natures Babycare though)!

The other trick I do, is to try and be very economical with their use! 1 wipe for a pee and 2 for a poo, unless its horrendous - doesn't always work, but I try! OH uses about 19 per nappy change though :roll: !

Valentine Xxx

LOL my OH is the same. Asda also do degradable wipes. I tend to use the Nature ones when out and about for the reason that anything else makes her bum red. What about cotton wool? We use plain old cotton wool and water when in the house as well which saves us a fortune in wipes and is better for her skin.

About the reusable wipes - if you're using cloth nappies you could just use the reusable wipes now and again in the house (such as for pee only) and that would save a bit too? That's what we've been thinking of doing.
Thanks. Valentine, were the Sainsburys ones called Eco Baby? I bought a packet but couldn't see any info as to whether they were biodegradable? Perhaps I missed it.

Perhaps reusable wipes are the way forward then. More washing....great!
sunnyday said:
Valentine, were the Sainsburys ones called Eco Baby? I bought a packet but couldn't see any info as to whether they were biodegradable? Perhaps I missed it.

Nope, just looked at one of our packs as I'm at home now.

They are called Jackson Reece and available in Sainsburys - clicky

Valentine Xxx
valentine said:
sunnyday said:
Valentine, were the Sainsburys ones called Eco Baby? I bought a packet but couldn't see any info as to whether they were biodegradable? Perhaps I missed it.

Nope, just looked at one of our packs as I'm at home now.

They are called Jackson Reece and available in Sainsburys - clicky

Valentine Xxx

I tried those wipes and didn't rate them.

I use Nature babycare ones too and get them when they are on offer, which isn't very often :(
I have used the Jackson Reece ones and I also didn't like them. They seemed very soapy and smelt of toilet cleaner!

I do use Nature Babycare wipes and will probably continue to do so - I really just wondered if the non degradables were really that bad for the environment? :)
I'm not keen on the Jackson Reece ones either tbh, unfortunately I got excited when I saw the price and the packet and bought 5 packs! They are too soapy and smell funny, I agree - I am still a big fan of Natures Babycare (although since they now have the new packaging, does anyone else think they smell different, a bit chemically?).

Thanks for the Natures Botts info Beatlesfan, I'll have to try them!

Sorry I don't know the answer to your question sunnyday, maybe you could try contacting a Waste Aware kind of organisation? We have one in Edinburgh called Changeworks that does lots of positive promotion and funding of ecological and recycling initiatives, do you have anything similar?

Valentine Xxx
Yeah I found that about the Jackson Reece ones too.
valentine said:
Thanks for the Natures Botts info Beatlesfan, I'll have to try them!

Valentine Xxx

No worries, they are quite wet compared to Nature babycare ones, which we have also used in the past and they are a nightmare to get out one at time..but hey what wipes aren't??? I now have to master the art of not using about 15 for a soiled nappy/bum!!! That might help the environment a bit more aye? :wall: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
I don't know exact numbers, but you just have to think about how many packs of wipes you use each week. Some people go through one or two (some more, some less) and each of those has about 70 wipes. It REALLY adds up. Cotton wool is better in a way, but then again cotton is a very destructive crop that requires huge tracts of land because it drains soil of its nutrients so cannot stay in one field for very long. I have recently switched to washable wipes and I can't recommend them enough. There is no extra work because they just get stored and washed with my nappies, and I think they work much better. Jacob has just decided to only poo every few days (sorry, too much information), so when he does it is a LOT and sticky. I use a dry wipe to get the majority off, then a wet wipe to clean him. I usually can get away with only using half of the wipe, so I can use the other half to dry him off!

I haven't used them yet, but I also just got soap bits to make my own nappy wash solution. I usually just stick to water, but this is very natural and has soothing ingredients, so I may use it once in a while when he has made a big mess.

I love my wipes. There are a lot of colours and they look lovely on the shelf next to all of my nappies!

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