Hows are we all???

Thats what I can't wait for!!

Although I was saying to a friend the other day, that for 9 months all I've concentrated on is my pregnancy and then it hit me the other day after I've given birth I've got to be a mummy and look after a little person. That completely freaked me out as then I started panicing that I won't know what to do! I've not had a lot of experience with babies and in 2 weeks I'm going to have my own! :shock:
everyone has to start somewhere :) you will be great dont worry xx
roo u will be a fab mum when its ur baby its like it all comes natural x
Midnight I'm the same on the ball. I was bouncing last night and said to my OH 'what if this just burst with the weight of me bouncing'. It was a cheapy one out of argos haha. I get bored on the ball. I said I'd go on it tonight but can't be bothered. I ate so much when we were out there I'll prob make myself sick.

Oh me roo and Cherelle, surely at least one of our sweeps has to work! X
Popping in to say hello :) its frustrating waiting but sooo worth it! I was really worried if I wouldn't know what to do when she got here but it all seems natural so far. Good job really as mw's on the ward don't help much as they're so short staffed.

pinkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkky ive missed you haha my dh was even saying poor woman and he cant believe they left you that long bless him....didnt i say she would be worth the wait hee hee
Hi everyone.. well i've been getting some nasty jabbing boney pains today in my pelvic bone which i think is just babys head moving down again... it's been bobbing in and out fof being engaged for the last few weeks now and i think thats what the pain is...

and getting some strong braxton hicks tonight too... makes my tummy look like a tornado!!!

Had a lovely day today.. really warm and sat out in the garden with Josie while hubby carried on with re-furbing her playhouse... couldn't get myself back up off the sun-lounger at one point! LOL! Had nice bbq for dinner and did some more tidying!

I just keep thinking "only 10 days to go now maximum!" (induction 31st May)... i would be so surprised if i go by myself ... looking forward to my sweep on weds to see what's changed!!

It's really exciting not knowing if anythings going to happen by itself ir not.. i still think i'll be induced.. I had Josie 10 days over after a 3/4 day induction. This time i will be 12 days over before i even go in so i guess that gives me a couple more days for it to happen by itself!!!!
lol girls I am a bit jealous that you are all so close to delivery! Although this pregnancy seems to have flown up til now I still have 11 weeks to go! I am still just all bump and am tiring more easily now. Def feel like I am starting to slow up a bit and my bump is just starting to get in the way depending on what I am trying to do! Lol when I read all your posts I realise I still have a loooooong way to go!

I am not long home from work. Tomorrow me and hubby will go out for dinner then I will go and visit my twin sister who has had surgery today. Apart from that the rest of the weekend is looking pretty quiet!
cherelle.... Ive been busy sorting out my hospital since i left it last minute and at the same time I went out with few of friends that haven't seen for damn ages was good to see them again. Ive done a good damn exercise walking lol as for tomorrow all am doing is putting my feet up and maybe night walking since they said its good for you..

Ive suggestion for you dear.. use your last resort, candle light for two and quiet night in with your Oh might bring something...I know its uncomfortably at this stage but never this card might work.. So girlfriend, go and eat your Oh alive looolz. am not going crazy but have faith your time will be up soon.. Cos I swaer is so strange I had this feeling pinkymum will go into labour and before I wanna make a thread she announced her water broke lol.. am gambling here lol
Ooooh Ayesha are you predicting ill go soon?? lol i bloody hope so! I know i am going to have to rope the poor OH into some bed rocking soon because ive tried everything else and nothing has worked. It just feels wrong because our little baby is kicking around in there! Plus i feel so gross, ive never been so fat!

Treeze - sounds like you had a nice day yesterday :) I dont think youll last to the 31st, youre bound to go before then!

I had some pains last night, i wasnt sure if i just had an icky tummy or if it was something else and i woke up a couple of times with pains in the night but im annoyingly pain free this morning!! I hope something is happening. My joints are really killing me too - dont know what thats about! x
Cherelle, I seem more achey at night and then wake up fine. I haven't really had back ache this pregnancy but keep getting it off and on during the day these past few days. Keep getting braxton hicks which can take a breathe away. Don't think this means anything. I will only start getting excited either when I have some sort of show or my waters breaks. It will feel closer then.

I can't believe how many people keep asking if I feel like I'm going to go soon. I have no clue so stop asking lol.

Well... The pain is starting to kick in now! I've given up with the support brace thing the physio gave me for my hips and pubic bone pain, it's pretty crap, and it just make me look even fatter! Apart from that I'm doing alright, sleeping is becoming a nightmare though! Can't wait to get to the stage some of u are at and be able to try things to get bump out!

Emma I got a cheapy ball from Argos too, it's on top of the wardrobe for now but I'm convinced I will pop it too!

I am good apart from the pain in my hands thanks hun and you?

to be honest......I don't have much to complain about - I still feel ok

A bit of baby brain last week tho - his may make you all laugh - I picked DS up from school and we went to do some shopping at Asda, I got to the till and put my card in the chip and pin machine and thought....where are my car keys? (I always get my keys out at this point don't ask me why!) Anyways....I did not remember getting them out of the ignition lol As we walked outside and I saw the car I felt relief that it was still there when I got in the keys WERE in the ignition but the feaky thing was the car was still running......I had not even tuned it off - just got outa the car and walked to the shops lol

Oooh i hope you're right with me going before the 31st Cherelle... all night last night my bump felt like 10 times heavier than normal and woken up this morning with the dreaded piles .. boo... i have had one or 2 little ones up til now but these ones are really sore and feels like there's about 4 of them all come up at once (sorry tmi!)...

i'm really achey every time i stand up now too and feeling very awkward and heavy in the bump area. ..

oh well only 10 more sleeps maximum!
Miss that is hilarious!!! Haha. The furthest my baby brain has gone is not being able to find my
Mobile then finding it in the fridge!!
Well... I've started panicking every time I don't feel her move for a few hours... She's usually really active and kicking and moving about all the time so now thing's are starting to 'slow down' a bit I worry ha ha. Other than that not too bad, just aches and pains ya know :)

Had a few plans for the weekend such as my mates 21st last night. Was awesome :) catching up with people I haven't seen in missions and chatting to a friend who had her little girl a few weeks back :) Was supposed to be going to my OH's Mum's today but was a change of plan and she's coming round here tomorrow instead lol :) xx
Lol Miss!!!

Just been for a walk with the OH, dont know what to do this afternoon ........ im hoping Purple hippy has her baby soon cos ive said ill go and visit and i wanna baby cuddle! x

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