how was your little one born etc :D

Babys name: Ella Brooke
Age when I fell pregnant: 22
Age when I gave birth: 23
Did I find out the sex: Yes - Girl
Due date: 18/11/11
Birth date: 18/11/11
Labour: 5 Hours established labour
Type of delivery: Natural
Pain relief: Diormorphine & Gas and Air
Time of birth: 09:24am
Weight: 7lb 13oz
Babys name: callum james campbell
Age when I fell pregnant: 22
Age when I gave birth: 22
Did I find out the sex: yes
Due date: 18/02/2012
Birth date: 28/02/2012
Labour: 14 hours
Type of delivery: went into labour naturally, forcep delivery
Pain relief: gas & air
Time of birth: 19:13
Weight: 9lb 1oz
Babys name: Sophie Ella
Age when I fell pregnant: 18
Age when I gave birth: 19
Did I find out the sex: Yes - Girl
Due date: 10/01/12
Birth date: 13/01/12
Labour: I never went into established labour! Just suffered a day of being induced which failed.
Type of delivery: emergency c section
Pain relief: diamorphine & spinal block & gas and air.
Time of birth: 14:48
Weight: 9lb 3 1/2 oz
Babys name: Aila
Age when I fell pregnant: 23
Age when I gave birth: 23
Did I find out the sex: Yes - Girl
Due date: 18/05/2012
Birth date: 20/5/2012
Labour: Contractions started 5:30am on due date baby arrived nearly exactly 48 hours later.
Type of delivery: Natural
Pain relief: Bath .. Gas & Air & Epidural - Which took effect on my left calf only ! :)
Time of birth: 05:48
Weight: 7lb 1oz
Babys name: William
Age when I fell pregnant: 29
Age when I gave birth: 30
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 09/01/12
Birth date: 04/01/12
Labour: Induced three times due to pre-eclampsia, 3 pessaries didnt work, finally broke waters and on drip
Type of delivery: Forceps with episiotomy
Pain relief: Epidural (no choice due to blood pressure)
Time of birth: 07.13am
Weight: 8lb 7.5oz
Babys name: Evangeline Brigette
Age when I fell pregnant: 30
Age when I gave birth: 31
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 06/04/12
Birth date: 30/03/12
Labour: 4 hr 48mins
Type of delivery: natural with 2nd degree tear
Pain relief: Gas and air which didn't work - too late for an epi :(
Time of birth: 17.48
Weight: 7lbs 3ozs
Babys name: leandro tony rosario
Age when I fell pregnant: 25
Age when I gave birth: 26
Did I find out the sex: yes
Due date: 16/12/11
Birth date: 7/12/11
Labour: 18 hrs 50 i think
Type of delivery: natural was meant to be induced on the 12th
Pain relief: Gas and air and early epidural. had to have one to steady my heart rate. my heart murmur became more prominent when preg
Time of birth: 11.09 pm even though on the computerised notes they put 01 grr
Weight: 8lbs 11oz

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Babys name: Alexa Sahron Wray
Age when I fell pregnant: 22
Age when I gave birth: 22
Did I find out the sex: Yes - Girl
Due date: 08/10/2010
Birth date: 07/10/2010
Labour: 22 Hours
Type of delivery: Natural
Pain relief: Morphine then the Epidural (after 10 hours of contractions)
Time of birth: 11:29 P.M. (born 31 min. before due date :) )
Weight: 7lb 1.3oz
Baby's name: Emily Jennifer
Age when I fell pregnant: 36
Age when I gave birth: 37
Did I find out the sex: Yes- girl
Due date: 12.02.2012
Birth date: 25-02-2012
Labour: 7 hr 45 min established labour
Type of delivery: Induced, assisted with ventouse
Pain relief: Gas & air, Epidural (two, as first slipped out...)
Time of birth: 04:47
Weight: 6lb 4oz
Baby's name: Kallie
Age when I fell pregnant: 29
Age when I gave birth: 30
Did I find out the sex: Yes- girl
Due date: 08-02-2012
Birth date: 11-02-2012
Labour: 16h from time water broke, about 14h from first contraction I felt
Type of delivery: water broke and had meconium so was Induced using petosin, assisted with vaccuum because lo was back to back, episiotomy and third degree tear
Pain relief: Epidural
Time of birth: 03:42
Weight: 6lb 8oz
Baby's name: Finn William Yelton
Age when I fell pregnant: 26
Age when I gave birth: 27
Did I find out the sex: no
Due date: 15/06/12
Birth date: 04/06/12
Labour: Didnt get into established labour! Induced at 37+6 due to pre eclampsia and spent 3 days contracting but did not progress.
Type of delivery: emergency c section (although as it was due to failed induction there was a 12 hour wait before c section so not proper emergency!)
Pain relief: None
Time of birth: 11:22 am
Weight: 6lb 7oz
Baby's name: Jack Stephen
Age when I fell pregnant: 30
Age when I gave birth: 31
Did I find out the sex: Yes
Due date: 17/06/11
Birth date: 20/06/11
Labour: 42 hrs in total. Jack started us off then went to sleep so needed waters breaking & induction drugs to make contractions stronger! He was also back to back but turned himself before birth! The little wotsit slept the whole time!
Type of delivery: Natural with forceps (I was 2 mins away from a c-section but the guy got called to an emergency! Phew)
Pain relief: 2 shots of pethadine & an epidural
Time of birth: 9.15pm
Weight: 7lb 11oz

Baby no.2 ....... to be continued! :) x
Last edited:
Baby's name: Isla Rose
Age when I fell pregnant: 27
Age when I gave birth: 28
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 27/03/12
Birth date: 09/04/12
Labour: 12 hours
Type of delivery: induction as 14 days overdue plus Ventouse delivery
Pain relief: gas & air plus pethadine
Time of birth: 0711
Weight: 6lb 14oz
Baby's name: Andrew Jason (AJ)
Age when I fell pregnant: 34
Age when I gave birth: 34
Did I find out the sex: Yes
Due date: 25/3/12
Birth date: 16/3/12
Labour: none
Type of delivery: emergency c-sec
Pain relief: spinal
Time of birth: 5:55pm
Weight: 6lb 5ozs
Baby's name: Harry
Age when I fell pregnant: 27
Age when I gave birth: 27
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 22/03/12
Birth date: 27/04/12
Labour: 3hr 40min
Type of delivery: natural
Pain relief: gas & air
Time of birth: 12.20
Weight: 6lb 10oz
Babys name: Riven
Age when I fell pregnant: 31
Age when I gave birth: 32
Did I find out the sex: yes, a boy
Due date: 26/05/2012
Birth date: 27/05/2012
Labour: 15 1/2 hours
Type of delivery: natural
Pain relief: gas and air, tiniest amount of pethidine they could give
Time of birth: 21.36
Weight: 7,4lbs
Babys name: Harrison Patrick
Age when I fell pregnant: 26
Age when I gave birth: 27
Did I find out the sex: yes, he wanted to show us at every scan so had no choice!!
Due date: 18/01/2012
Birth date: 30/01/2012
Labour: 48 hours
Type of delivery: Induced
Pain relief: Epidural and gas and air
Time of birth: 6.55am
Weight: 7lb 13oz
Baby's name: Vincent Douglas Hunter
Age when I fell pregnant: 28
Age when I gave birth: 29
Did I find out the sex: yes
Due date: 20/01/2012
Birth date: 5/01/2012
Labour: 15 hours
Type of delivery: Forceps
Pain relief: gas and air, epidural
Time of birth: 16:30
Weight: 7 lb 12oz
Baby's name: Aoibheann
Age when I fell pregnant: 21
Age when I gave birth: 21
Did I find out the sex: no
Due date: 28/2/2010
Birth date: 3/3/10
Labour: 12 hours
Type of delivery: Forceps
Pain relief: gas and air, epidural and spinal block
Time of birth: 11.00 pm

Baby's name :Lily
Age when I fell pregnant : 22
Age when I gave birth : 23
Did I find out the sex:?no
Due date : 30/6/2011
Birth date : 4/8/2011
Type of delievery : natural
Labour : 1-4 cms in two hours 4-birth Fourthy minutes
Pain relief: gas and air during transition
Time of birth: 8.45 am
Weight 8lb3 oz
Babys name: Madison Teigan
Age when I fell pregnant: 21
Age when I gave birth: 22
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 29/08/2006
Birth date: 09/09/2006
Established Labour: 4 hours 30 mins
Type of delivery: Natural
Pain relief: Gas and Air, Pethadine
Time of birth: 8.47am
Weight: 8lb 13oz

Babys name: Tilly May
Age when I fell pregnant: 27
Age when I gave birth: 27
Did I find out the sex: No
Due date: 27/04/2012
Birth date: 06/05/2012
Established Labour: 31 minutes!
Type of delivery: Natural
Pain relief: Nothing ( No time for anything)
Time of birth: 8.01pm
Weight: 8lb

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