Sky Louise 29/05/2012


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Nov 4, 2011
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Hey ladies I have already posted a well sort of birth story but in the wrong place lmao so here we go again

Sky Louise was 1 week and 2 days overdue and by god I tried everything to make baby move at that time we were unaware we were having a girl but nothing worked so on Friday 25th may at about 5.50am I woke up to let my brother in law in as he had come to visit and had come from London as I walked to the toilet after letting him in all my pants and legs were wet though sorry tmi anyway I thought i couldn't have weed myself I would of known so I just left it got changed and went back to bed then at 16.30pm my midwife came out to give me a sweep then she said I will book you an induction date for Friday 1st of June but I don't think you will need it so I thought well I wont hold my breath had loads of pain a few hours after and I thought this is it but they stopped a few hours after never really had anything on Saturday a few tightenings but nothing major then Saturday night I started to lose some sort of water so I googled what it could be like you do and it said something about watery discharge and it was fine so i went to watch a film in bed with hubby and I started having tightenings again and they were getting closer and stronger I went to sleep got up the next morning and they had gone so I made the dinner then me and hubby took the dog for a walk to the water park and we just walked and walked then the pains come again and I said to hubby we are going to have to go home I cant take the pain any more so when we got back he ran me a bath and i went to the toilet and looked down at my pad and it was really damp and smelt like sea salt sorry ladies tmi the pains came again so I got in the bath and it helped ease the pain a little bit then when I got out I phoned the midwife led unit who told me to go in so I called a taxi me hubby and my mother in law went to the hospital and up to the maternity ward they put lo on a monitor and monitored baby's heartbeat for half an hour then had a feel of my cervix and she said my back waters had gone and I was 1cm dilated so I said is it ok if i go outside for some air and to phone my mum she said yes that's fine but be back for 23.30pm so we can send you to the labour ward as my waters went on Friday so they had to speed things up so I phoned my mum and she said im on my way i went back up to the ward and they sent me to the labour ward when i got there the doctor came in to see me and she put a drip in my hand then she got it wrong made my hand swell and bleed because she could not get it in the vain so she had to put it in the side of my arm and my god that hurt then she said that whatever was in this drip was going to speed the contractions up my mum got to the hospital and mother in law went home then the doctor got rushed to surgery so I got a nice midwife that kindly kept upping the drip every hour and the contractions just kept coming and coming it got to the point were another midwife had to turn it down because I was not even having a break in between them 7.00am Monday morning doctor came in and had a look at my cervix and said I was 2cm dilated and he broke my waters then they went away and said if I wanted anything for the pain just to ask so I went back to sleep for a little while and by 15.00pm I asked for the gas and air I really couldn't take it any more I got hubby to go get me a Mars bar as I had not eating since Sunday so I had that in one hand and the gas and air in another then the pains really kicked in and they kept coming and they really hurt every minute that pasted felt like hours it got that bad that I had to have 3 injections of pethidine which tbh I don't know why as it dint do anything 00.10am doctor came in and said I was 3 to 4cm dilated and he went out to speak to the midwife I was in so much pain I was crying my hubby and mum were great they were both by my side helping me get though each contraction then the doctor came back in and said we have to get baby out so were going to perform an emergency c section they took me down to theatre and hubby followed they numbed me and got me laid on the bed and hubby sat at the side of me comforting me and then they showed us the most beautiful baby in the world and she was all ours they put her in a towel and took her and hubby up to recovery room and stitched me up sky louise heels was born on 29/05/2012 at 01.39am weighing 6lbs 12oz and then took me up were I spent the next 20 mins cuddling and looking at our little girl I was in labour for 39 hours and then had to have an emergency c section but I wouldn't change a thing. The day after my hubby and mum was sat saying I was coming out with some right stuff that I was saying there were fish on the celling and saying that they could give mints to my rabbit lmao all in all I did have a bad time but would not change one thing me and sky are both doing great im healing fine and she`s keeping me and hubby on our feet and we love her soooo much!!! :D xxx


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She's so gorgeous :D Congratulations hun x x
Congratulations, she's so gorgeous! xx
Congratulations hunni.... She is gorgeous :) xx

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