How to tell if its a boy or girl? Before the scan!

Well ladies...The chinese chart was correct for me...I am having a boy!!
He is a whopping 12 ozs and he is just great and healthy...I'm still in awe at seeing my little one in there!...Feels like I waited years for this day :D
but what old wives tale is proven to be true? you have to do it with a pinch of salt, it is only oging to be one or the other, right?! i say do it once and then wait and see!!!! it was right for me though!
Um, I think i maybe a bit confused, but what do you put the time zone as for UK??!! :oops:

Natalie x
Just looked at that one, and it says im having a boy!! well got a while to go yet till I find out, as not going to find out at my next scan!!
It said a boy for me, and i have a feelin its a boy aswell, I suppose I will have 2 wait til my 20 week scan to find out x x x
I just looked it up for how old my mum was when she conceived with me my brother and sister, it said I would be a boy, my brother would be a girl and my sister would be a boy!! :shock: We're all cross gendered kids apparently! :lol:
ok, i did 10 different ones! 3 said girl, 7 said boy! it's leaning towards a boy, which is weird as i subconsciously refer to the "bump" as he... i'm not gonna find out at the scan i don't think - i want the surprise! so i'll have to wait until february to see which prediction is correct!
i subconsciously refer to the "bump" as he

I kind of hoped for a girl but always caught myself calling the baby he too...And he is a boy :)
Maybe we do know subconsciously????? weird huh
Hi, I just did two of the charts some of you mentioned, where you do the age of the mother and the month of conception and they both said Im having a girl which is what I and some of my friends have thought all the way along so far.
I tried the gender chart but wasnt sure of the time zone as it didnt have GMT, anyone know which one is the right time zone?
Well Ive tried the Chinese One and it says Im having a Boy!! I tried it out with myother children and it was RIGHT!!! I tried myself it was right, and DH and was right too.. HOW WEIRD IS THAT!!!

Ragna xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
newbump said:
Um, I think i maybe a bit confused, but what do you put the time zone as for UK??!! :oops:

Natalie x

Hi Natalie :D

This topic should help you out - but if you run into any difficulties, don't hesitate to PM me.

Best wishes,
Laura B
The old wives tales suggest I'm having a boy and the Chinese chart suggests girl.

Not sure about the chart though - 9 of the 12 months suggest a girl if your aged 30 or 31!!!

I've already had my second scan and we said we didn't want to know the gender, so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Yeah that's what I thought. They're just a bit of fun aren't they, at the end of the day, there's always a 50/50 chance they'll get it right, so they could tell you anything!!
Tryed 3 chinese predictors 2 say girl, one said boy! I have been told that if the weight is all up front then it is a girl, but if it is around the sides and bum then it is a boy! Looking like a girl so far! Also have heard the ring on string test were you tie your wedding ring to some cotten hold it above the belly and if it stays still its a girl if it moves then it is a boy! Has anyone heard any more!

I think it is a girl, but my hubby and I have always said our first would be a girl called Chloe! May change name but still feel like it might be a girl! Which means it will prop be a boy!!!!! anyway its the man that desided what sex the baby is so it will be his fault! :D

either way as long as it is health and happy!!

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