scan in 2 days cant wait

aw so pleased all went well for you and lovely pic and congratrs on team blue xxxx
so whens your scan isobel?

Its the 2nd of june. Im so excited! I really hope mine is behaving so i can get a good look and secretly i do hope its a girl :whistle: but as you know.. it doesnt really matter :wave:
Awwww he's gorgeous!! Beautiful scan pic x congrats on team blue x
Huge congratulations to you on your Team Blue !!!!! :boy:

such a lovely scan photo tooo, a right cutie x
yip its so clear cant believe how cute he looks lol cant wait to go for my 4d scan now to actually see what he looks like
so whens your scan isobel?

Its the 2nd of june. Im so excited! I really hope mine is behaving so i can get a good look and secretly i do hope its a girl :whistle: but as you know.. it doesnt really matter :wave:

hehe thats the way i thought too totally wanted a girl but either way as long as wee baba is healthy thats the main keep us updated on your scan x

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